Free Settler or Felon

Convict and Colonial History

The Cumberland - 1830

The Cumberland was reported to have been the largest vessel to ever have entered Newcastle Port in 1830

Sydney Shipping News February 1830

Two of the ships signalised on Friday, appear by the report to have been the Cumberland, on her passage from Newcastle to Bombay, laden with coals, which left for Newcastle a few weeks since for coals, and the Medway, which left this Port (Sydney) a few days since for the Mauritius.

They were driven rather to the Northward of the Port by the strong Southerly winds which have lately prevailed, more or less.

The ship Cumberland sailed from the Port of Newcastle, on Tuesday the 2nd instant, having taken on board there 300 tons of coals, 30 head of horned cattle, and 50 sheep. She was piloted into, and from the harbour by
Captain Livingstone with the utmost facility, and much to the admiration of every one knowing the difficulties of the harbour.

The Cumberland is the largest vessel that ever came to Newcastle to date.

- The Australian 10 February 1830

Cumberland Wrecked Off Cape Leuwin

The Cumberland was wrecked on 6th March near Cape Leuwin on the passage to Swan River -

A letter, dated 'Swan River, March 12,' has been received from Captain Steele, by T. G. Pitman, Esq. who chartered the ship Cumberland for India, from this Colony, confirming the report of the total wreck of that vessel on a sunken rock, three miles and a half off the shore, and 25 miles to N. W. by W. of Cape Leuwin, on the night of the 4th of March. At the time this disastrous event took place, the ship was going at the rate of 8 or 9 knots, in smooth water, and without any appearance of danger. She stuck fast, with two-and-a-half fathoms under the bows, and 3 abaft. In about an hour-and a-half, the water came above the coals in the hold, and before day-light, there were two feet water in the between-decks.

The crew were then obliged to take to the boats, and make for Swan River, where two of them - the long boat and cutter arrived on the 7th of March ; but up to the 12th, nothing had been seen of the other two boats. Some of the lascars, by whom the vessel was partly manned, together with a Mr. Wilson, a passenger, have gone on to Singapore by the Parmelia.

The Captain lost every thing he possessed, with the exception of a shirt or two ; and Mr. Shelly, who, it will be remembered, was permitted to proceed to India by this vessel, has been reduced to a similar plight
. - The Australian 1 May 1830.