Free Settler or Felon

Convict and Colonial History

Government Port Regulations - 1815

Lieutenant Thomas Thompson was Commandant at Newcastle throughout 1815......

Permission Required to Land at Newcastle

Government and General Orders -
Government House,
Sydney 9th December 1815

It being ascertained that several Persons (both Men and Women), have been for some Time past in the frequent Habit of passing between this and Newcastle, contrary to the Colonial and Port Regulations, not only on board the private Vessels resorting thither for Coals, lime, or timber, but even on board the Government vessels, under the usual Pretence of visiting friends or Connexions sent thither as a Punishment, but in Reality for the Purpose of carrying on a clandestine traffic with the Convicts; and this practice holding out facilities for the Disposal of stolen Goods, and the eluding of Punishment by rendering the Detection more difficult; His Excellency the Governor, for the Purpose of totally suppressing the same, is pleased to order and direct as follows: -

1st. That from and after the present Date no Master of a Government Vessel shall, without Authority from His Excellency at Sydney, or the Commandant at Newcastle, receive or give a Passage to any Person whatever on board the Vessel under his Command, on Pain of being dismissed from said Command, and further prosecuted for a breach of the Port Regulations.

2ndly. That the Masters of private Vessels taking on board, or giving a passage to any person or persons to or from Newcastle, without a Special Permission either from the Governor, or the Commandant at Newcastle shall be prosecuted for a Breach of the port Regulations, and on Conviction forfeit their Recognizance of One hundred Pounds each, and their two sureties the sum of twenty five Pounds each, entered into by them annually, for their due Observance of the said Regulations.

3rdly. Any person who shall pass from hence to Newcastle without the proper Authority for so doing, whether with the knowledge of the Master of the vessel or by secreting themselves on board are to be immediately ordered by the Commandant into irons on board and not permitted to land there at all; but returned thither to be prosecuted as vagrants

4thly. Persons coming thither from Newcastle without authority of the Commandant are to be apprehended and punished in like manner as in preceding case.

By Command of His Excellency.


[1] Sydney Gazette 9 December 1815