Free Settler or Felon

Convict and Colonial History

Convict Ship Dunvegan Castle (1) - 1830

Voyage 181 days
Deaths - 5
Surgeons Journal: yes
Tons: 446
Crew: 35 men
Previous vessel: Katherine Stewart Forbes arrived 18 February 1830
Next vessel: Forth I arrived 26 April 1830
Captain William Walmsley.
Surgeon Robert Dunn
Hunter Valley convicts / passengers arriving on the Dunvegan Castle in 1830

The Dunvegan Castle was built at Chittagong in 1819. [4] Convicts were transported to New South Wales on this voyage in 1830 and in 1832.

The prisoners came from counties throughout England and Scotland including Stafford, Gloucester, Manchester, Liverpool, Bedford, Warwick, Edinburgh and Middlesex. Most had been held on prison Hulks before being embarked on the ship. Some of the men were embarked at Woolwich on the 16th; and on the 21st September at Sheerness. One of the convicts died that same evening.

Military Guard

The military guard were embarked on the 11th. The Guard consisted of soldiers of the 17th, 44th, 27th and 63rd regiments., under orders from Lieut. John Grey. Six women and 12 children accompanied the military guard. Select here to find convicts ships bringing detachments of the 63rd and 17th regiments.

Cabin Passengers

Passengers included Mrs. Grey and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lipscome Kentish, and Mortimer Lewis, wife Elizabeth nee Clements, three sons and one daughter.

Mortimer Lewis had been appointed assistant surveyor in the office of the surveyor-general Sir Thomas Mitchell. Mortimer Lewis mapped the Dividing Range west of Sydney and later was appointed town surveyor. In 1835 he was appointed colonial architect, a post he held for fifteen years.[2] He designed the Newcastle Court House and assisted in laying the foundation stone of the Maitland Gaol. His son Mortimer Lewis (jun) married Ellen Stacy, daughter of Dr. John Stacy of Newcastle and lived for a time in the Military Barracks at Newcastle

Surgeon Robert Dunn

This was Robert Dunn's second voyage as surgeon superintendent on a convict ship. He was appointed to the Dunvegan Castle on the 8th of September 1829. He kept a medical journal from 8 September 1829 to 10 April 1830. He rejected one of the soldiers and inspected the ships crew in order to prevent any possibility of contagions or infectious diseases being introduced into the ship as had been the case in his last voyage, the Bussorah Merchant in 1828


The Dunvegan Castle became the last convict ship to transport prisoners before the establishment of the Metropolitan Police Force introduced by Sir Robert Peel. Before September 1829 the watchmen, familiarly called 'Charlies,' who guarded the streets of London, were often incompetent and feeble old men, often unfit for their duties. [1]

The Dunvegan Castle departed Sheerness on 30 September 1829.

The Voyage

This was a particularly long voyage because of contrary winds which resulted in an increase in number of men requiring medical treatment. Robert Dunn described some of the difficulties of the voyage in his journal......

The weather during September was cold for the season and accompanied with a damp atmosphere and frequent showers and they did not clear the Channel until the 20th October 1829. During October the weather remained cold with constant westerly gales however the prisoners remained healthy at this time except for a few slight cases of Catarrhal. During this time convict William Harris almost had his ear torn off when a cask landed on his head on the 5th October.

In the months of November and December they experienced nothing but light winds and hot sultry weather and were nearly all that time inside the tropics. From light baffling winds they did not pass the Cape of Good Hope till the 4th of January. When they got into high southern latitudes where heavy gales and damp weather could be expected they experienced only light and contrary winds so that instead of making the passage from the Cape to Sydney in six weeks they took eleven weeks to reach Van Diemens Land. The medical comforts were expended by this time and water was running out, so they called at Hobart Town on 13th March and remained there eleven days. Four convicts had died on the passage or in the hospital at Hobart from scurvy -
Isaac Wilson 1 March,
William Caley 7 March,
Thomas Sanson 9 March,
George Dunn on 10 March.
The remaining convicts recovered with fresh beef and vegetables in that time and the ship resumed her voyage to Sydney.

Robert Dunn's general remarks at the end of the voyage - I cannot conclude these remarks without stating for the information of your Honourable Board that the lemon juice was sent on board in casks instead of bottles. This consequence was that it was so thick that it had the appearance of fine soup than anything else I could compare it to and from this circumstance the convicts instead of drinking it with that avidity formerly, loathed it. It was only by standing by that I got them to drink it. I don't consider that it had that anti-scorbutic effect I have often witnessed it to have. Two cases sent on board in bottles which I kept for the use of the hospital and worst cases of scurvy I found it not only checked the disease but many got well under its influence. I mixed it with nectar and I cannot say enough in praise of this last valuable medicine in that loathsome disease.

Port Jackson

They arrived in Port Jackson via Hobart on 30 March 1830 with 175 male prisoners. The voyage had taken 181 days.

Convict Muster

Prisoners were mustered on board by the Colonial Secretary on 1st April. A total of five had died on the voyage out. The convict indents record each prisoners name, age, education, religion, marital status, family, offence, sentence, native place, date and place of trial, former convictions, physical descriptions and where and to whom the convicts were assigned. There is also occasional information regarding colonial crimes, deaths and pardons.


Dunvegan Castle convicts sent to Hunter Valley region:

Austin, Thomas
Brass founder from London. Assigned to John Earl

Baker, Walter
Ploughs, shears, milks and reaps. Native place Norfolk. Assigned to John Watson, Nelsons Plains

Banks, Charles
Grocer from London. Assigned to Francis Little

Bell, Andrew
Errand boy from Southampton. Assigned to J.M. Davis

Bennett, Charles
Indoor servant from London. Assigned to Joseph Rookin

Bennett, John
Needle maker from Worcestershire.

Benson, William
Boatman from London. Assigned to Rev. Lancelot Threlkeld, Lake Macquarie

Birtles, James
Factory boy from Manchester. Assigned to William Ogilvie, Merton

Blackburn, John
Weaver from Lancashire. Assigned to Henry Dumaresq, St. Heliers

Blackway, William
Ploughs, shears, milks. Native place Worcester. Assigned to Francis Little

Blagborough, Nathaniel
Labourer from Yorkshire.

Blucher, Mark
Indoor servant and jeweller. Assigned to William Dun, Paterson

Burton, John
Ploughs, milks, reaps. Native place Bedfordshire. Assigned to Robert Coulson, Black Creek

Burton, William
Gardener, ploughs, shears. Native place Norfolk. Assigned to William Kelman

Darcey, William
Shoemaker's apprentice from Dublin. Assigned to John Cobb

Davies, John
Labourer, milks, reaps. Native place Brenock. Assigned to Archibald Bell jun.

Davis, Thomas
Ploughs, shears. flax dresser. Lative of Ludlow. Assigned to Hugh Cameron, Invermein

Denney, James
Seaman and labourer from Londonderry. Assigned to John Watson at Nelson Plains

Dutton, Samuel
House painter from Staffordshire. Assigned to Dept. Public Works

Edwards, George
Light porter from London. Assigned to Alexander McLeod, Ratagan

Fogg, Joseph
Factory boy from Lancashire. Assigned to William Innes, Hunter River

Foster, Jonathan
Wool sorter from Howarth. Assigned to James Bowman, Sydney

Fowler, George
Errand boy from London. Assigned to George Townsend, Trevallyn

Fox, George
Labourer from London. Assigned to John Hickey, Hunter River

Freeman, William
Ploughs, reaps, milks, shears. Native place Gloucestershire. Assigned to Rev. Lancelot Threlkeld, Lake Macquarie

Freeth, John
Brush maker and stableman from Bristol. Assigned to William Ogilvie

Glossop, James
Hairdresser from Leicester. Assigned to Alexander McLeod, Luskintyre

Hammond, John
Waiter from Nottingham. Assigned to George Muir, Wallis Plains

Heywood, Daniel
Ploughs, shears milks, reaps. Native place Shropshire. Assigned to William Ogilvie

Hilson, George
Boatman and waggoner from Kent. Assigned to W. West, Nelsons Plains

Hopwood, William
Farmboy from Gloucestershire. Assigned to William Bucknell, Hunter River

Humphries, Enoch
Labourer from Gloucestershire. Assigned to George Townsend, Trevallyn

Humphries, William
Carpenter and joiner from Gloucestershire. Assigned to William Sims Bell

Ingram, John
Tallow chandler from Abergavenny. Assigned to William Forsyth, Hunter River

Jenkins, Henry
Shears, reaps. Native place Lambeth. Assigned to William Innes, Hunter River

Johnson, Henry
Grocer from Huntingdonshire. Assigned to Patrick Doolan, Wollombi

Jones, George
Labourer from London. Age 21. Assigned to E.G. Cory, Paterson

Jones, George
Errand boy from London. Age 16. Assigned to Richard Lang, Hunter River

Jones, Henry
Cook from Bristol. Assigned to George Townsend, Trevallyn

Jones, John
Age 22. Labourer and factory worker from London. Assigned to A.A. Company

Jones, John
Age 16. Errand boy and Labourer from Liverpool. Assigned to John Budge at Maitland 1836

Kelly, Thomas
Errand boy from Dublin. Assigned to William Dun, Paterson

Kennedy, Bryan
Shoemaker's apprentice from Limerick. Assigned to E.G. Cory, Paterson

Leech, George
Linen weaver and labourer from Yorkshire. Assigned to John Herring Boughton, Paterson

Lilly, Daniel
Groom and coach man from Kelso. Assigned to Alexander McLeay on arrival

Llewellen, Thomas
Plane maker and carpenter. Assigned to William Innes

Lovell, Robert
Ploughman, milks, reaps. Native place Bedford. Assigned to William McLean, Williams River

Lowe, Jesse
Cotton carder from Oldham. Assigned to Thomas Cullen at Patrick Plains

Marshall, John
Labourer, reaps, milks. Native place Orkneys. Assigned to Alexander McLeod at Luskintyre

McDonald, Daniel
Bricklayer from Dublin. Assigned to John Smith of Maitland

Merrick, William
Shoemaker from Bristol. Assigned to Timothy Nowlan

Miller, Francis
Cork cutter from Berwick. Assigned Thomas Steele

Millner, Thomas
Ploughs, milks, reaps. Native place Stafford. Assigned to James McDougall, Patrick Plains

Mills, Thomas
Ploughs, shepherd, milks, reaps. Native place Gloucester. Assigned to Henry Dumaresq at St Heliers

Mountford, Joshua
Carter from Stafford. Assigned to Sir Francis Forbes

Murray, John
Quill dresser and painter. Native place Edinboro

Nightingale, Robert
Coal miner from Staffordshire. Sent to No. 3 stockade at Newcastle 1839

North, William
Currier from Leeds. Assigned to Alexander McLeod at Luskintyre

Oldham, John
Seaman and servant from London. Assigned to George Goldsmith at Wollombi

Page, William
Butcher and woollen draper from Hertford. Assigned to James Reid at Rosebrook

Payne, William
Ploughs, shears, reaps, milks. Native place Staffordshire. Assigned to John Cobb

Price, John
Engineer and miller from Flintshire. Ticket of leave Muswellbrook 1841

Pruett, John
Toper sawyer from North America. Absconded from Harpers Hill stockade 1837

Reed, John
Tobacconist from Liverpool. Assigned to John Larnach

Roberts, Owen
Ploughman from Derbyshire. Assigned to E.G. Cory on arrival

Rogers, John
Tailor from Dublin. Assigned to Hunter River district on arrival

Rogers, William
Ploughs, shears, milks, reaps. Native place Flintshire. Assigned to Francis Greenway in Sydney

Ross, William
Type founder from Edinboro. Assigned to James McDougall at Patrick Plains

Short, Joseph
Iron founder from Birmingham. Ticket of leave Merton 1839

Sisson, John
Bargman from Nottingham. Assigned to Alexander McDougall at Wallis Plains

Smith, James
Quill dresser and boatman from London. Assigned to James McDougall, Patrick Plains

Smith, Owen
Errand boy from London. Assigned to Alexander McLeod, Luskintyre

Spencer, James
Shepherd from Derby. Assigned to Sir Francis Forbes

Stanyard, Charles
Brass founder from Birmingham. Assigned to Thomas Steele at Patrick Plains

Swindells, Samuel
Shepherd, reaps, milks. Native place Cheshire. Assigned to Sir Francis Forbes

Tobin, James
Tailor's apprentice from London. Assigned to Archibald Bell jun., Belmont

Tricklebank, Joseph
Ploughs, milks, reaps. Native place Staffordshire. Assigned to Richard Lang, Hunter River

Waddington, John
Ploughman from Pontefact. Assigned to John Cobb

Walson, John
Ploughman and soldier. Assigned to William Dun, Paterson

Welsh, James
Groom from Waterford. Granted ticket of leave Patrick Plains 1841

Wilde, Samuel
Machine turner and fitter from Manchester. Assigned to H.C. Sempill

Williams, Lewis
Silk weaver from Staffordshire. Executed in 1837

Williams, George
Alias Goodchild. Painter and glazier. Granted Ticket of leave Patrick Plains 1846

Yardley, William
Cutler's boy from London. Sent to Newcastle gaol 1847

Yates (Price), Thomas
Brassfounder from Birmingham. Assigned to William Bucknell on arrival

Departure from Sydney

The Dunvegan Castle was to depart Sydney for London with various goods in August.

Notes and Links

1). Read about bushranger George Jones, convict of the Dunvegan Castle

2). Hunter Valley convicts / passengers arriving on the Dunvegan Castle in 1830

3). Return of Convicts of the Dunvegan Castle assigned between 1st January 1832 and 31st March 1832 (Sydney Gazette 14 June 1832; 28 June 1832; July 1832).....

Thomas Briggs - Carpenter assigned to R. Fitzgerald at Windsor
James Bristles - Factory and cow boy assigned to Timothy Nowlan at Hunter River
John Hopkins - Labourer assigned to John Lupton at Argyle Road
William Humphries - Carter assigned to William Smith at Parramatta
George Hancock - Servant and groom assigned to Susan Brown at Windsor
Thomas Lewellan - Plane maker and carpenter. Assigned to William Innes at Maitland
John Lloyd - Blacksmith assigned to J. and H. Ryrie at Murray
John Oldham - Seaman and servant assigned to George Goldsmith at Wollombi
John Radford - Plasterer assigned to F.A. Hely in Sydney
Owen Smith - Errand boy assigned to the A.A. Company at Port Stephens

4). Ships bringing detachments of the 63rd regiment -

Albion departed Sheerness 1 June 1828 - Lieut. M. Vickery
Eliza departed London 29 June 1828 - Major Sholto Douglas
Marquis of Hastings departed 30 June 1828 - Ensign Stulbmer
Royal George departed Spithead 26 August 1828 - Captain J. Briggs
Vittora departed Devonport1 September 1828 - Lieut. Aubyn
Governor Ready departed Cork 21 September 1828 - Lieut. J. Gibbons Lane
Ferguson departed Dublin 16 November 1828 - Captain DArcy Wentworth
Mellish departed Falmouth 2 January 1829 - Captain Baylee
Lord Melville departed London 5 January 1829 - Lieut-Col. Burke
Waterloo departed London 14 March 1829 - Lieut. T. Grove
America departed Woolwich 8 April 1829 - Adjutant T. Montgomery
Norfolk departed Spithead 22 May 1829 - Ensign W.J. Darling
Guildford departed Dublin 12 July 1829 - Lieut McLean 89th
Larkins departed Cork 16 August 1829 - Captain Mahon
Claudine departed London 24 August 1829 - Captain Paterson
Sarah departed London 29 August 1829 - Lieut. Croly
Dunvegan Castle departed 30 September 1829 - Lieut. John Gray
Katherine Stewart Forbes departed Spithead 14 October 1829 - Major Fairtclough

5). Convict Ships bringing detachments of the 17th regiment........

Dunvegan Castle departed Sheerness 30 September 1829 - Lieut. John Grey
Katherine Stewart Forbes departed Spithead 14 October 1829 - Major Fairtclough 63rd regt.,
Mermaid departed Sheerness 5 December 1829- Lieutenant Isaac Blackburn
Forth 1 departed Cork 1 January 1830 - Captain James Oliphant Clunie
Nithsdale departed Sheerness 1 January 1830 - Captain Robert G. Moffatt
Lady Feversham departed Portsmouth 8 April 1830 - Lieutenant Harvey 29th regt.,
Marquis of Huntley departed Sheerness 9 April 1830 Lieutenant Watson 20th regt.,
Adrian departed Portsmouth 27 April 1830 - Ensign Reynolds
Lord Melville departed the Downs 6 June 1830 - Lieutenant Robert Graham
Hercules departed Dublin 3 July 1830 - Major J.W. Bouverie
Royal Admiral departed Portsmouth 5 July 1830 - Captain John Church
Burrell departed Plymouth 27 July 1830 - Captain John Alexander Edwards
Andromeda departed Cork 28 August 1830 - Captain Charles Forbes
York departed Sheerness 4 September 1830- Lieut-Col. Henry Despard
Edward departed Cork 17 October 1830 - Captain Deeds
Eliza II departed Cork 10 May 1832 - Lieutenant Hewson 4th regiment


[1] Modern London, or London as it is. - Peter Cunningham, John Murray

[2] Morton Herman, 'Lewis, Mortimer William (1796 - 1879)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, published first in hardcopy 1967, accessed online 24 August 2024.

[3] UK, Royal Navy Medical Journals, 1817-1857 . The National Archives. Kew, Richmond, Surrey.

[4] Bateson, Charles Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.348-349, 386