Convict Ship Henry Tanner - 1834
Embarked: 220 men
Voyage: 117 days
Deaths: 2
Surgeon's Journal: yes
Previous vessel: Andromeda arrived 17 September 1834
Next vessel: Blenheim arrived 14 November 1834
Captain - Henry Ferguson
Surgeon John Edwards
Convicts and passengers of the Henry Tanner identified in the Hunter Valley
The barque Henry Tanner was a brand new ship having been built at Sunderland in 1834. [1] She departed England bound for New South Wales on 1st July 1834.
Surgeon John Edwards
John Edwards was an experienced surgeon-superintendent having previously been employed as surgeon on the Hercules in 1832. He kept a Medical Journal from 4th June to 14 November 1834.The Voyage
During the voyage, two deaths occurred, the first a case of mania occurred off the Cape of Good Hope after only a fortnight's illness. John Edwards was unable to perform a post mortem because of bad weather. The other death, that of Edmond Smith was caused by phthisis. Smith was ill before he embarked and John Edwards noted that at the time of inspection at Woolwich, he appeared debilitated and wan but as both Smith and the Woolwich surgeon said there was no illness he could not be rejected.After sailing, the surgeon discovered that Smith had a troublesome cough and had been ill for some time, but concealed his illness as he wished to be taken on the Henry Tanner as his brother was also on the same vessel. The Surgeon cared for Edmond Smith until he finally passed away on 29th August. [3]
The following convicts and soldiers were treated by the surgeon during the voyage:
Edmund Smith, Convict; Phthisis pulmonalis. Put on sick list, 2 July 1834. Died, 29 September 1834.
James Dunk, Convict; disease or hurt, gastro-enteritis.
Ishmael Jones, Convict; disease or hurt, catarrhus.
Thomas Crane, Convict; disease or hurt, [rheumatism].
Sergeant Fulton, 50th Regiment; disease or hurt, catarrhus.
John Folland, Convict; disease or hurt, opthalmia.
John Parry, Convict; disease or hurt, [contused arm].
James Mews, Convict; .
Joseph Jackson, Convict; disease or hurt, dyspepsia.
Joseph Curtis, Convict;
Sergeant Fulton, 50th Regiment; disease or hurt, catarrhus.
Joseph Hurst, Convict; disease or hurt, catarrhus.
George Ling, Convict; disease or hurt, catarrhus.
William [Welface], Convict; disease or hurt, pleuritis.
James Watkins, Convict; disease or hurt, diarrhoea.
Thomas Bennet, Convict; disease or hurt, scorbutus.
Thomas Moss, 50th Regiment; disease or hurt, contusion.
Thomas Green, Convict; disease or hurt, [catarrhus].
Thomas Green, Convict; disease or hurt, [catarrhus].
James Parry, Convict;
Joseph Swayne, Convict;
Robert Foot, Convict; disease or hurt, dyspepsia.
John Ellis, 50th Regiment; disease or hurt, contusion.
James Mews, Convict; disease or hurt, fever.
William Jones, Convict; disease or hurt, cynanche tonsillaris.
[F] Wilkson, Convict; disease or hurt, [catarrhus].
George Smith, Convict; disease or hurt, [catarrhus].
Henry Ansell, Convict; disease or hurt, [catarrhus].
William Barret, Convict; disease or hurt, headache.
Samuel Manning, 50th Regiment; disease or hurt, pleuritis.
Thomas Hart, Convict; disease or hurt, insanity.
Joseph Driver, Convict; disease or hurt, [contusion].
James Thompson, Convict; disease or hurt, [scorbutus].
John Glover, Convict;
William Welfaw, Convict; disease or hurt, [catarrhus].
William Maker, Convict; disease or hurt, [catarrhus].
Samuel Manning, 50th Regiment; disease or hurt, [catarrhus].
Samuel Halloran, 50th Regiment; disease or hurt, [catarrhus].
Samuel Cork, Convict; disease or hurt, [catarrhus].
Samuel Lone, Convict; disease or hurt, scorbutus.
Oliver Carr, Convict; disease or hurt, catarrhus.
James Cooper, Convict; disease or hurt, dyspepsia.
John Tiplady, Convict; disease or hurt, dyspepsia.
Thomas Wylie, Convict; disease or hurt, opthalmia.
John Mc Surley, 50th Regiment; disease or hurt, [catarrhus].
Joseph Curtis, Convict; disease or hurt, [opthalmia].
William Maddox, Convict; disease or hurt, [opthalmia].
John Williams, Convict; disease or hurt, [opthalmia].
George Bellamy, Convict; disease or hurt, [opthalmia]. [2]
Military Guard
The Guard consisted of Captain Patterson of the 6th Regiment, Lieutenant Wingate 2nd Regiment and 30 rank and file, 6 women and 4 children attached to the 50th Regiment. Detachments of the 50th Regiment arrived on the Detachments of the 50th Regiment arrived on the convict ships Susan, Surry, Forth, Bengal Merchant Hooghley, Hive, Blenheim, Royal Admiral, Lady Nugent, Parmelia, James Laing, Captain Cook, Hero, Roslin Castle, Henry Porcher, Henry Tanner and Lady KennawayPort Jackson
They arrived in Port Jackson on 27th October 1834.
The Monitor reported in November that eighteen of the prisoners, in pursuance of their sentence in England, were sent to Goat Island to work in irons; the remainder were landed on Friday 14th November and assigned to various settlers.Departure
The Henry Tanner was advertised in the Sydney Gazette for immediate despatch to Madras and Calcutta late in November 1834, - Henry Tanner, 400 tons burthen, Captain Henry Ferguson, will sail for the above ports in a few days; she is well armed, carries an experienced Surgeon and has excellent accommodation for passengers.She was still in port in December when Captain Ferguson appeared in court on a summons to answer a charge of refusing to pay one of the seamen and later still when she hauled alongside the Dockyard just before Christmas to ship 35 - 40 colonial bred horses for the East India Company. The Sydney Gazette reported that it was a treat to witness the rare management that was observed in the stalling of the horses, shipped by Capt. Collins. The hold of the vessel appeared quite a stable forming two rows on the starboard and larboard sides, each horse had a separate crib partitioned with boards and so padded at the front, and back that however the ship may lurch, the horses will be in contact with a soft substance; so that in the roughest weather, they can take no injury from concussion, which the rolling of a vessel is sure to produce.
Notes and Links
1). John Edwards was also surgeon on the convict ships Roslin Castle in 1836 and the Charles Kerr in 1837.2).Convicts and passengers of the Henry Tanner identified in the Hunter Valley
[1] Lloyds Register Foundation[2] National Archives Copy of daily sick list Convict Ship Henry Tanner. Reference: ADM 101/33/7/1
[3] Medical Journal of John Edward on the voyage of the Henry Tanner. UK, Royal Navy Medical Journals, 1817-1857 The National Archives. Kew, Richmond, Surrey.