Free Settler or Felon

Convict and Colonial History

Convict Ship Isabella (4) - 1832

Embarked: 224 men
Voyage: 109 days
Deaths: 0
Surgeon's Journal: yes
Previous vessel: Pyramus arrived 5 March 1832
Next vessel: Portland arrived 26 March 1832
Captain William Wiseman
Surgeon Superintendent Thomas Galloway
Hunter Valley convicts and passengers arriving on the Isabella in 1832

The Isabella was built in London in 1818 and owned by William Wiseman, Patrick Chalmers and James Wallace.

Convicts were transported to Australia in 1818 (NSW), 1822 (NSW), 1823 (NSW), 1832 (NSW), 1833 (VDL) and 1842 (VDL). On this voyage in 1832, Chief Officer was Francis Allan who had been on five previous voyages to the colony with convicts; and Second mate was Alfred Bourne. There was a crew of forty-five men.

The prisoners were convicted in counties in England, Scotland and Wales - Gloucester, Devon, Sussex, Leicester, Durham, Somerset, Stafford, Lancaster, Chester, Bristol, Cornwall, London, Derby, Middlesex, Northampton, Warwick, Dorset, York, Wiltshire, Westmoreland, Cumberland, Bedford, Glamorgan, Carnarvon, Monmouth, Aberdeen, Inverness, Glasgow, Perth, Ayr. There were also several who had been tried or court-martialed in other places - Demerary, Salford CM, Leith CM, Fort George, North Britain CM and Grenada.


Some of the prisoners from the Justitia Hulk were embarked on the Isabella on 4th November and from the Captivity on 15th November 1831.

The Isabella departed London on 5th November, Woolwich 17th November, and touched at Plymouth on 27th November 1831. During the stay at Plymouth a conversation was overheard amongst some of the convicts by a soldier on duty, to the effect that they would gladly avail themselves of any opportunity that might present itself to take possession of the ship. In consequence of this Thomas Galloway confined the convicts in double irons for a considerable period afterward.

Surgeon Thomas Galloway

Thomas Galloway was about fifty two years old at the time of this voyage. It was his second voyage as Surgeon-Superintendent on a convict ship, the first being on the Persia to Van Diemen's Land in 1830. In his subsequent voyages on the Asia in 1833 the Henry Porcher in 1835 and the Susan in 1836 there were serious outbreaks of illness and several deaths, however on this 1832 voyage of the Isabella despite much illness, all the prisoners survived to disembark in Sydney.

Thomas Galloway kept a detailed Medical Journal from 24th October 1831 to 30 March 1832 which included a four page summary. Some of the convicts were embarked four weeks prior to the vessel setting sail from Plymouth. During this time the surgeon thought that the illnesses were chiefly such as might be expected from the change of habits and food; from a state of privation and labour to a full diet and idleness. During the first part of the voyage the diseases were such as arise from sea sickness, however with a change in the weather after the Cape of Good Hope when dense fogs predominated from that time onwards, illnesses became more severe and even the most trifling diseases were difficult to cure. The men who had been held on the Captivity hulk made up the bulk of the men on the sick list as they had suffered during the past summer with a fever contracted there. Prisoners experienced various illnesses including Synochus, Rheumatismus, Pneumonia, Pleuritis, Ophthalmia, Podagra, Furniculus, Urticaria, Catarrhs, Dysenteria, Hemiplegia, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Icterus, Vulnus, Ambustus and 12 cases of Scorbutus. [4]

Military Guard

The guard consisted of 38 non-commissioned officers and privates of the 4th Regiment, 4 women and 9 children. The Officers were Captain William Clarke of 4th regiment, Lieut. Hilton of the 39th regiment and Ensign Charles Elton of 4th regiment.

Port Jackson

They arrived in Port Jackson on 15 March 1832.

Muster of Convicts

A muster was held on board by the Colonial Secretary on 20 March 1832. The convicts indents include name, age, education, religion, marital status, native place, occupation, offence, when and where tried, sentence, prior convictions and physical description. There are also occasional notes about colonial sentences, deaths and pardons. [5]

Mutiny of the Crew

There was no indication in Thomas Galloway's journal of the dramatic events that took place on the 6th February 1832 when the ship was 350 leagues (1690 km) from the S.E. Coast of Madagascar and all of the seamen revolted and refused to work. The seamen involved included Jacob Anderson, James Davis, Richard Ellis, Cornelius Neil, James Hutton, Charles Stewart, Thomas Irving, Richard Franklin, John Griffiths, William Langtree, James Vaughan, Christopher Saunders, John Pain and Thomas Fogan. [1]

It began when Jacob Anderson refused to obey the orders of the second Mate (Alfred Bourne) to hang up the clothes lines for the prisoners. Anderson used highly mutinous language and in consequence he was sent upon the poop, from which he immediately made his escape forward. Thomas Galloway was probably below in the hospital. On hearing a noise he went on the quarter deck, and found the 1st and 2nd Mates among the ship's company; some of the men were pushing the chief mate about, who was endeavouring to seize Jacob Anderson; After a great deal of trouble Anderson was again put on the poop and into irons, the seamen then refused do any more work and one of the prisoners John Payne left the wheel without being relieved. While they were on the poop the men hissed and hooted, and one voice was heard to say 'Fire away, we can stand shot'.

During the upset the whole of the guard ran up to the deck; and, when an attempt was made to induce them to go below one of them exclaimed that ';he did not care for being flogged' and called out 'Hurra for the sailors'. Under the direction of Captain Clarke and with consultation with those about him the man was flogged upon the spot.

The Captain, Officers and Surgeon were in a difficult situation and later in the ensuing court case it was proposed by the Prosecution that this case was different from the ordinary merchant service because it was a convict ship and it was believed that the convicts would take any opportunity to escape their bondage and degradation.........

'The game such desperate men would choose,
With all to gain, and nought to lose'

The surgeon thought the convicts were of the very worst description and there were always some of them under punishment. With this in mind, Captain Wiseman and Thomas Galloway with the concurrence of William Clarke had the refractory seamen put in irons the night following the mutiny in a part of the ship where they could hold no conversation with any of the convicts.

On the following day every reasonable attempt was made to induce the seamen to return to their duty. Owing to the remonstrance of Captain Clarke, nine of them did return; one of whom however the prisoner Griffiths changed his mind and was again put in irons for he would do no more duty unless the others were liberated. The seamen continued in irons during the remainder of the voyage, from the 6th February to the 15 March 1832; during which time the vessel was navigated by the officers, the seamen who returned to their duty, and the boys, with the assistance of the soldiers afforded by Captain Clarke, and occasionally by some of the convicts.

Later the men were tried and found guilty of revolt, however it was reported that when they were brought before Judge Dowling they were discharged after an admonition on the nature of their offence and the penalty they had incurred; they were ordered to enter into personal recognizance in the sum of £100 each to keep the peace for twelve months. They proceeded from the Court to the Secretary's Office to obtain their pardon. [2]

Departure from the Colony

The Isabella departed Calcutta for London on 25th November 1832

Notes and Links

1). William Wiseman was also Master on the Lucy Davidson in 1829

2). Select here to read about the punishment that seventeen year old convict Thomas Price endured in 1833 at Campbelltown.

3). Hunter Valley convicts / passengers arriving on the Isabella in 1832

4). Isaac Ecclestone and Bartholomew Stephenson arrived as convicts on the Isabella. They remained friends for the rest of their long lives.....

A Tale Of The Old Days

........But it is not about New South Wales that I sit down to write. This, it will be remembered, was the country into which were sent the convicts--the desperadoes of society. Some no doubt were very bad characters. Still I think that lighter punishment than that inflicted upon them might have answered the purpose. Many innocent ones found their way here. It is about an innocent man that I intend to write -a man who is harmless to a fault. In 1831, he chanced to get into questionable company, among whom were Tom Kenare, Tom Pringle, John Stewart, John Barker, Bart Stephenson, Tom Armstrong, John Smith, Isaac Eccleston, and David Johnson. These men were charged with feloniously entering the dwelling-house of Thomas Jewitt, at Hedworth, Durham, and demanding money and meat, and also with violently assaulting and ill-treating his wife; also with stealing two guns, his property. According to the evidence adduced at the trial, the men entered the house, and asked Jewitt for meat and money; then they struck down his wife with great violence to the ground.

Now this same Isaac Eccleston is living here. He is over 84 years of age, and has been in the colony of New South Wales close upon 60 years. It was the transportation of Tom Armstrong that embittered the feelings of his brother Ralph, and caused him to take the life of Mr. Fairless, the magistrate who committed seven of them. Two of the nine -Tom Pringle and Tom Kenare-made their escape. Pringle died at the Dudley Scott Colliery two or three years ago. I have not heard of Kenare for many years.

But to my tale. When my wife heard of Isaac Ecclestone she felt interested in him, and inquired his whereabouts. We found him a man frail (as might be expected at 86) but healthy. When my wife told him she was Peter Bulmer's eldest daughter, he literally sprang up out of his armchair, and cried: 'Thou! thou the daughter of Peter Bulmer! Aye, hinny! aye. hinny I am pleased to see thee. But oh!, what memories! I see it all, I see it-yes, yes, that walk to Primrose Hill, that walk to Hedworth Mill yes, yes, I see It all. I can see Tom Kenara strike the poor old woman sitting by her 'ain fireside '-the scoundrel, the villain. Then he took the gun doon fra the top of the house, and took it away. The old man's language is still a mixture of the Tyneside and colonial dialects. He continued:I said, ' Kenare, by George, thou'll get wrang for striking that poor and wife; thou'll get a summons for taking the gun.' I was so vexed that I waddn't gan heame win him. Well, Mrs., I never thought that I would be brought in the business, for I never did nowt. So I said to Barty Stephenson, 'Let's gan another way. I waddn't gan win a dirty beggar like that.' Barty was the youngest of the lot of us. But next day we heard that live out of the nine had been taken. Shortly after Ralph Hunter came to Barty and me. Ralph, being the constable, was going to handcuff us both. I said 'he needn't, for as we had done nothing we would go quietly with him. So he didn't handcuff us. The magistrate said that, he could not deal with the case, When the trial came on I wasn't concerned a bit. I thought they could not possibly do anything to anybody but Tom Kenare; but the judge made me look at him as he came out of the lunch room. He sat down, and looking us full in the face, said: 'I'll spare your lives.' What had been done to cause him to make such a remark I could not comprehend, for no one had done anything but Tom Kenare. And to talk of sparing our lives !

The jury found us guilty, and we were sent to the A.A. Company's coal pits at Newcastle, New South Wales. Then we were marched off to the hulks to await a Botany Bay ship. Nothing particular happened during the voyage to anyone but me. I got twelve lashes. I will tell you how I got them. We were all standing about the deck (perhaps we were in the way of the sailors a little), when the boatswain, a rough, bad-tempered fellow, save me a nasty push, and I just said: 'Wey, thou'll mercy not sways be boatswain.' I was taken straight away and flogged. The flogger said he would cut me in two if I did not shout hard. But I didn't shout, and he didn't cut me in two either. Poor old Ecclestone's buck is badly marked with the lash. When they landed at Sydney a Mr. Henderson was waiting for them. He introduced himself as their future boss. It turned out that he was the manager of the A A. Company's coal pit. This company became the owners of one million acres of land, on the condition that they laid out as many pounds on their estate (or rather, let me say estates, for it is freely declared they have picked the eyes out of the district) for improvement of the land. They have satisfied themselves with opening out a mine-a profitable one, too. Of course, they have paid their million in wages, but the land in and about Newcastle, when sold, will bring thousands per acre..

When Isaac Ecclestone and his comrades landed at Newcastle, they were allowed huts outside the regular convict barracks, for Mr. Buddle and Mr. Matthias Dunn had written and told Mr. Henderson all the circumstances that had caused them to be sent out (they are always careful to say sent out, never do they say transported); and they all believed it was through the good influence of Mr. Buddle, coal owner, and Mr. Dunn, who was Government inspector of mines, that they had such good t:eatment right up till the 'ticket of leave ' time. They get good food, and had more liberty than those who were inside the barracks. The only restriction was that they had to be in their huts at 8 o'clock. Isaac's job was to get the orders from the ships, and see that they were attended to. Ecclestone introduced the method of tokening' their skips or kibbles. There had been much trouble before our Tynesiders came to get each one to fill his required quantity of slips. Quarrels were frequent, but when tokens were given each man the trouble ended. This put Isaac Eccleston on good terms with his master, and he was allowed £10 per annum-the total to be given him when released Mr Henderson often came into their huts to have a talk with them, and gave them letters that had been sent to him, making inquiries about them poor lads. The letters were sometimes from Mr. Buddle, at other times from Matty Dunn.

At last Ecclestone got his release papers. With the money laid by for him, he commenced a sort of general business-grocery, bread, hardware; in fact, anything, for at that time there was none who had what might be called a special business. He succeeded fairly well, and removed to East Maitland, where he opened out an extensive establishment. But Maitland, like most in land and farming districts, was slow for Isaac's go ahead nature. Then there appeared an opening at a place, the original name of which is 'Minmi,' called, by its present owners, Duckingfield. The coal mine at this place employed several hundred men, and was working full time twelve days per fortnight. There was no road between Newcastle and Minmi-nothing but bush tracks. Few ventured on the journey, and those who did undertake it were frequently lost for days in the bush. Indeed, some were lost altogether. Well, this place presented an opening for a business men like Isaac Eccleston. Accordingly, off he went, and did a roaring trade for some time. But one day, a creek, or burn as we say in England, broke into the mine, aid laid it in for thirteen months. Ecclestone had been doing all the shopping, and now he could not well refuse to supply his former customers. In short, he was ruined, for, after waiting and expecting work for months, people cleared out, and Ecclestone fell. He was new an old man; and there was nothing left for him but to go down the pit again.

The late James Fletcher, M.L.A,, whom Eccleston had once befriended, in turn helped Eccleston. Mr. Fletcher was known all over New South Wales as 'one who went about doing good.' He never forgot a good turn, and after Eccleston could not work any longer down the pit, James Fletcher allowed him 12s per week. But eventually the extensive speculations of Mr. Fletcher in gold mining embarrassed his circumstances; so much so that he fairly broke down. However, up to his benefactor's death old Isaac still received his 12s per week. But now that Mr. Fletcher has gone over to the vast majority, our old friend's pension is stopped; A. few weeks ago he was taken ill. When some neighbours went in to see him his only request was to send for Peter Bulmer's daughter (my wife). Of course it required a lot of inquiry to ascertain who Peter Bulmer's daughter was. She went to see him, and he requested to be allowed to stay with us until he recovered, which was not long, for with tender nursing he soon came round. As he sat in the armchair at the fireside one day, he said, Aye!! what memories. He I kept my first love for my Saviour, I had never been here. What happy, happy time I had once in the company of Mr. Reay, and Christor (the Wallsend miner), and the Rev. Bramwell the prayer meetings, the class meetings, the love feasts. We used often to go to Mr. Reay's, of Carville, to practise singing. Mr. Reay was a good man-a- great Sunday-school man. I got away into the pit, and received so much pocket money. Then I lost my grace, and got into low company. But how Tom Pringle introduced himself into our company that afternoon I cannot guess, for he was always a spicy fellow. Some thought we had been in Mally Raw's beer house, but we hadn't., nor had we any money to gan in with." I am aware that I am writing a long letter, and that your space will no doubt be limited. Suffice it to state, however, that old Ecclestone has been a preacher of the gospel for many years. He has given his Bible to Mrs. Lumsdon. There are hundreds of passages marked in it, from which he has preached, and which have been a comfort to him in his exile. He is the last of the seven sent out for the Primrose Hill or Hedworth Mill crime.

A short time ago Barty Stephenson died at Parramatta, in comfortable circumstances, having acquired a nice property on that river. Barty and Isaac were dear companions to the very last. I may also tell you that Isaac, Mrs. Lumsdon, and I have arranged to go to Newcastle, for he has 'a great desire to see the graves of some of his companions in distress, and also to behold the transformation of Newcastle since he first saw it. One great change I may mention. Where once stood Isaac Ecclestone's convict hut now stands a splendid building on which you can read Bank of Australasia. Where the convict barracks once stood there has been erected the stately mansion of the successful merchant, overlooking the sea coast, the beautiful harbour, and the fertile valley of the Hunter River. The occupants of these residences seldom or never think of the bleeding hands, the sweating brows, and aching hearts of those poor fellows who hewed their way through the stately crowd of gum trees that once adorned those hills.

I am, etc., Thomas Lumsdon. Wallsend, near Newcastle, New South Wales.

[We may add that poor Isaacs Eccleston is in very distressed circumstances, and only exists on the charity of his few neighbours. We are informed that the case is one to which the charitably disposed might well give assistance, as the old man is of such independent spirit, that he will not go to the Benevolent Asylum, and prefers instead to die by inches from starvation - Newcastle Morning Herald 2 February 1892

5). Ensign Charles Campbell Elton of the 63rd regt., was transferred to the 4th regiment in November 1831 (Edinburgh Gazette). He married Jane Stimpson in 1839 and settled at Bombala NSW.

6). Return of Convicts of the Isabella assigned between 1st January 1832 and 31st March 1832 (Sydney Gazette 14 June 1832; 21 June 1832; 28 June 1832).....

Samuel Arnold - Sweep and porter assigned to John White in Sydney
George Aldridge - Factory boy assigned to Archibald Mosman in Sydney
John Aylesbury - Cloth dresser and farm labourer assigned to Arthur Rankin at Bathurst
Charles Atkins - Labourer assigned to John McArthur at Parramatta
William Amos - Travelling groom assigned to Captain George Maxwell in Sydney
James Anscomb - Groom assigned to Leslie Duguid in Sydney
Thomas Armstrong - Miner assigned to the Australian Agricultural Company at Port Stephens
Thomas Arms - Bricklayer and stableman assigned to Charles Thompson at Clydesdale

Thomas Brathy - Shepherd, ploughs etc., Assigned to Archibald Mosman in Sydney
James Browning or Bowring - Ploughs. Assigned to Mrs. Templeton at Kissing Point
Levi Bradsley - Ploughs, silk weaver. Assigned to Arthur Rankin at Bathurst
William Bartlett - Farm labourer assigned to James H. Rose at Yass Plains
Robert Brewer - Ploughs, shepherd etc., Assigned to Moore N. Campbell at Bathurst
James Betteridge - Ploughs, sows etc., Assigned to Dr. Mitchell at Sydney
George Brown - Labourer assigned to John Macarthur at Parramatta
Thomas Bennett - Publican and carter assigned to Moore N. Campbell at Bathurst
William Blease - Cotton Spinner and carter assigned to Rev. M. Reddall at Campbelltown
John Booth - Overseer of factory assigned to Vicars Jacob at Hunter's River
John Bruce - Cutler and paper stainer assigned to Robert Lethbridge at Parramatta
Joseph Boulton - Porter assigned to John Burke at South Creek
John Brown - Tinman's boy assigned to John White at Sydney
George Brown - Warehouseman assigned to Edward Ryan at County of King
Thomas Brownhill - Fancy planter, assigned to W.T. Morris at St. Vincent
John Burnet - Dealer assigned to W.H. Rose at Yass Plains
James Brown - Farm labourer assigned to John Nicholson in Sydney
James Belcher - Groom and warehouseman assigned to Captain Foreman at Parramatta
Henry Burchett - Indoor servant assigned to Captain Hunter in Sydney
Thomas Burrow - Waggoner assigned to William Shairp at North Shore
William Broom - Confectioner and pastry cook assigned to Sarah Redfern at Campbelltown
William Bate - Butcher and stockman assigned to James Philips, Paterson
John Boskew - Butcher assigned to George Loder at Windsor
Joseph Burley - Fancy cabinet maker assigned to Edward Cory at Paterson
Richard Beebie - Cabinet maker assigned to Nicholas Aspinall at Sydney
John Barber - Miner assigned to the Australian Agricultural Company at Port Stephens
Edward Broom - Stone Mason assigned to Samuel Terry at Sydney
William Barker - Rough mason assigned to J.B. Bettington at Sydney
J.W. Bloxam or Blockin - Tailor and ostler. Assigned to James George Doyle at 2nd branch
William Brown - Tailor assigned to John Harris at Shanes' Park
John Bagnall - Miller and millwright assigned to William Mannix at Airds

George Cox - Farm labourer assigned to John Burke at South Creek
John Chancellor or Carer - Ploughs, reaps etc., Assigned to W.T. Morris at St. Vincent
Anthony Carleton or Roberts - Ploughs, reaps etc., Assigned to Edward Ryan in County King
William Clark - Hair dresser and farm labourer assigned to Henry Rae at Hunter's River
William Carrington - Servant and groom assigned to Dr. Mitchell at Sydney
Edward Cox - Servant and groom assigned to William Templeton at Kissing Point
Thomas Crovine - Butcher assigned to George Blackett at Liverpool
Aaron Clewes - Blacksmith assigned to George Innes at Bathurst

William Denny - Shepherd assigned to William Lee at Bathurst
James Day - Ploughs, sows etc., Assigned to M. Hindmarsh at Illawarra
William Dowling - Bellows and patten maker. Assigned to James Mudie at Hunter's River
Francis Dorrington - Van driver, post boy, hostler. Assigned to John Town junior at Richmond
Joseph Darlove - Feather dresser, groom and servant. Assigned to Arthur Kemmis at Sydney
John Dean - Stableman. Assigned to William Harper at Hunter's River
Thomas Darby - Stable boy assigned to A. Long at Sydney
John Davis - Shoemaker assigned to E.S. Hall at Lake Bathurst
Charles Dix - Mason. Assigned to William Cox junior at Hobart Ville
Thomas Drew - Shoemaker assigned to George Brown at Illawarra

Thomas Elliott - Cloth dresser assigned to Robert Cooper at Sydney
Isaac Ecclestone - Miner assigned to the Australian Agricultural Company at Port Stephens
William Elton - Painter and seaman assigned to Sir John Wylde at Cabramatta

John Foster - Spadesman assigned to John Street at Bathurst
Peter Fagan - Warehouseman in printing office. Assigned to M. Hindmarsh at Illawarra
Daniel Fowler - Porter in warehouse. Assigned to Frederick Garling junior at Sydney
James Fancy - Soldier and farm labourer assigned to William Fitzgerald at Brisbane Water
Edward Fry - Blacksmith assigned to W.C. Wentworth at Vaucluse

Henry Gentle - Ploughs. Assigned to Andrew Lang at Paterson
Elias Garrett or Caines - Farmer's boy assigned to John Maxwell at Bathurst
Richard Glastonbury - Boatman assigned to Samuel Haines at Prospect
Robert Gill - Merchant's porter assigned to William lee at Bathurst
Michael Grady - Labourer assigned to Thomas Humphrey at Brisbane Water
Thomas George - Fuller. Assigned to James Street at Bathurst
Thomas Grady - Ostler assigned to Joseph Aarons at Sydney
James Garraway or Callaway - Plumber and weaver. Assigned to Dr. Fattorini in Sydney
Thomas Gallagher - Plasterer assigned to William Ogilvie at Merton
James Gray or Longstaff - Tailor assigned to William Cox jun., at Hobart Ville

Richard Horton - Ploughs and milks. Assigned to Alfred Elyard at Burwood
Samuel Hartwell - Stockman and shepherd assigned to James Hassell at Matevia
Richard Hitchen - Ploughs. Assigned to John Maxwell at Bathurst
William Harding - Ploughs. Assigned to William Brown at Appin
William Hastings - Farm labourer assigned to Henry Perrrier at Bathurst
James Harper - Ploughs and reaps. Assigned to Richard Jones at Sydney
Thomas Haimes - Farm labourer. Assigned to George Suttor at Baulkham Hills
Simon How - Ploughs. Assigned to J. Robertson at North Shore
William Hill - Farm Labourer assigned to William McLaren at Hunter's River
William Hoskins - Mason's labourer assigned to Dr. Lang to assist in building college, Sydney
Charles Hartfield - Mason's labourer assigned to Dr. Lang to assist in building college, Sydney
Denis Harley or Collins - labourer assigned to Andrew Lang at Hunter's River
Thomas Haldane - Weaver and carter assigned to Mary Marshall at Sydney
Edward Ham - Pit sawyer assigned to Robert Cunningham at Sydney
James Hayes - Butcher and stockman assigned to T.F. Hawkins at Bathurst
James Hay - Carpenter assigned to Robert and Helenus Scott at Hunter's River
Henry Horton - Baker assigned to John Teale at Windsor
Robert Hunt or Hallett - Stonemason assigned to Edward Hallen at Sydney
Henry Hall or Clerk - Servant and bricklayer assigned to Sydney Stephen at Sydney
James Hinge - Plasterer assigned to John Pike at Hunter River
Joseph Hudson - Miner assigned to the Australian Agricultural Company at Port Stephens.

James Jose - Ploughs. Assigned to L. Macalister at Argyle
William Jones - Ploughman assigned to Capt. Currel R.N.
John Jordan - Butcher and porter. Assigned to John Pike at Hunter's River
David Johnson - Miner assigned to the Australian Agricultural Company at Port Stephens
James Jackson - Sawyer assigned to Dr. Mitchell at Sydney

Robert Kelly - Ploughs. Assigned to John Johnson at Sydney
William Kenny - Dealer assigned to J. Robinson at North Shore
Stephen King - Shoemaker assigned to William Kerns at Airds
Robert Kirkwood - Millwright assigned to Mary Raine at Parramatta

Thomas Lewis - Ploughs. Assigned to Sarah Erskine at Erskine Park
William Laurence - Ploughs. Assigned to William Longford in Sydney
James Lane - Ploughs. Assigned to Richard Wiseman at Wollombi
William Lequer or Leguire - Light porter. Assigned to William Brown at Appin
Charles Lucas - Cloth dresser assigned to Simeon Lord in Sydney
James Luke - Skinner and glover. Assigned to Henry Perrier at Bathurst
John Lee - Miner assigned to the Australian Agricultural Company at Port Stephens

John Muller - Ploughman. Assigned to John Warby at Airds
Thomas Matthews - Ploughman assigned to Alexander Chisholm at Lower Minto
William McCullock - Ploughs and reaps. Assigned to William Lawson jun., at Bathurst
John McIlydon or Lynden - Farm Labourer assigned to Samuel Lovely at Airds
Joseph Murray - Warehouse labourer and seaman assigned to Richard Jones at Hunter's River
Peter McFilley or McPhillay - Labourer assigned to George Suttor at Baulkham Hills
Thomas McKichnie - Soldier. Assigned to William McLaren at Hunter's River
Matthew (a black) - Baker. Assigned to James Belamy at Castle Hill
Charles Manly - Groom assigned to William Bradley at Goulburn Plains
Michael Martin - Butcher assigned to William Merritt at Sydney
George McGerreson - Slater assigned to F.C.L. Thompson at Camden
Thomas Morgan - Stonemason assigned to E.C. Close at Hunters River
Thomas McCartney - Stone cutter assigned to A.B. Spark at Sydney
Jesse Millard - Plasterer assigned to Dr. Fattorini in Sydney
John McGowan - Shoemaker assigned to Charles Throsby at Glenfield
William Macbean - Gardener assigned to R. Smith R.N., Sydney

Thomas Neilson - Spadesman. Assigned to Mary Cope at Windsor
William Northwood - Groom assigned to Henry Donnison at Sydney
Francis Nott - Butcher assigned to John Jobbins at Sydney
Job Nobbs - Shoemaker assigned to H.C. Burnell at Argyle

John Overland - Bellow maker assigned to L. Macalister at Argyle
James Ollis - Painter and glazier assigned to John Pike at Hunter River

John Parson - Ploughs. Assigned to Samuel Terry at Sydney
Thomas Pulham - Ploughs. Assigned to Solomon Wiseman at Lower Portland Head
George Parry - Ploughs. Assigned to L.W. Reddall at Argyle
Robert Padfield - Ploughs. Assigned to William Dangar at Neotsfield
Thomas Price - Farmer's boy assigned to William Crow at Appin
John Pomeroy - Watch finisher assigned to Robert Broad at Sydney
James Patterson - Turner and brazier assigned to Matthew Howlett at Parramatta
William Plomer - Groom and ploughs. Assigned to John Piper at Bathurst
William Parker - Waiter and pot boy assigned to Madam Rens at Sydney
James Porter - Stableman assigned to James Glennie at Hunter's River
John Pressmore - Baker assigned to George Smith at Sydney

Joseph Quarman - Carter assigned to. W.M. Winder at Windermere

George Ruddle - Ploughs. Assigned to W.M. Winder at Windermere
John Riley - Factory boy assigned to Capt. Currie R.N. at Birch Grove
James Robinson - Draper assigned to Sarah Erskine at Airds
John Rouse - Cabin boy assigned to Mary Cape at Windsor
George Reinhurst - Valet and courier assigned to William Forster at Sydney
John Russ - Hairdresser and groom assigned to Henry Drinkwater at Sydney
John Rogers - Stonemason assigned to Samuel North at Windsor
Robert Ridley - Miner and road maker assigned to the Australian Agricultural Company Port Stephens

7). Convict Ships bringing detachments of the 4th (King's Own) Regiment

Jane departed Cork 29 April 1831. Commander of the Guard Captain George Mason

Surry departed Portsmouth 17 July 1831. Commander of the Guard Captain Charles Waldron 38th regt.

Asia departd Cork 6 August 1831. Commander of the Guard Captain Richard Chetwode

Norfolk departed 15 October 1831. Commander of the Guard Lieut. David William Lardy 4th regt.

Captain Cook departed Dublin 5 November 1831. Commander of the Guard Lieut. Gibbons 49th regt.

Portland departed Portmsouth 27 November 1831.

Isabella departed Cork 27 November 1831. Commander of the Guard Captain William Clarke 4th regt.

Bussorah Merchant departed Dublin 14 December 1831. Commander of the Guard Lieut. William Lonsdale 4th regt.

John departed the Downs 7 February 1832. Commander of the Guard Lieut. George Baldwin 31st regt.,

Lady Harewood departed Portsmouth 15 March 1832. Commander of the Guard Lieut. Lowth 38th regt.,

City of Edinburgh departed Cork 18 March 1832 . Commander of the Guard Lieut. Bayliss

Clyde departd Portsmouth 9 May 1832. Commander of the Guard Lieut-Colonel Mackenzie

Eliza departed Cork 10 May 1832. Commander of the Guard Lieut. Hewson

Planter departed Portsmouth 16 June 1832 under command of Lieuts. Bullin and Irvine of 38th regt.

Hercules departed the Downs 19 June 1832. Commander of the Guard Lieut. Gibson 4th regt.

Dunvegan Castle departed Dublin 1 July 1832. Commander of the Guard Lieut. Thomas Faunce 4th regt.

Parmelia departed Sheerness 28 July 1832 under Command of Captain Young 38th regt.

Waterloo departed Sheerness 12 March 1833 under Command of Captain Mondilhan 54th regt.

8). 4th (or The King's own) Regiment of Foot

9). National Archives - Reference: ADM 101/36/4 Description: Medical and surgical journal of the Isabella, convict ship for between 24 October 1831 and 30 March 1832 by Thomas Galloway, Surgeon, during which time the said ship was employed in a voyage to New South Wales.


[1] Sydney Herald 26 March 1832

[2] Sydney Gazette 17 April 1832

[3] Bateson, Charles, Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney, pp.350-351

[4] Journal of Thomas Galloway. UK, Royal Navy Medical Journals, 1817-1857 Original data: The National Archives. Kew, Richmond, Surrey.

[5] Convict Ship Isabella. Bound manuscript indents, 1788 -1842. NRS 12188, microfiche 681. State Records Authority of New South Wales, Kingswood, New South Wales, Australia.