Free Settler or Felon

Convict and Colonial History

Convict Ship James Pattison (1) - 1830

Embarked: 200 men
Voyage: 108 days
Deaths: 1
Surgeon's Journal: yes
Previous vessel: Asia arrived 13 January 1830
Next vessel: Katherine Stewart Forbes arrived 18 February 1830
Captain Joseph Grote
Surgeon Superintendent James Gilchrist
Follow the Irish Convict Ship Trail
Prisoners and Passengers of the James Pattison identified in the Hunter Valley

The James Pattison was built in London in 1828. Prisoners were transported to New South Wales on this voyage in 1830 and in 1837

On 16th June 1829 the James Pattison returned to Portsmouth from Bengal and Madras after a voyage of six months. The vessel was engaged to take convicts from Ireland to New South Wales and was re-fitted to accommodate the prisoners who were to be embarked at Dublin.

Prisoners at Dublin were held in the Essex Hulk prior to embarking on the convict ships. The Freeman's Journal reported in August 1829.....

On Friday morning between the hours of six and seven o'clock, seventeen convicts were removed from Newgate to be put on board the hulk Essex, lying in the harbour at Kingstown. On their arrival at Kingstown such was the violence of the surf that no boat would venture to put out, to take them to the hulk, so that they had to remain on shore until such time as the force off the waves should have in some measure abated. [1]


They departed Kingstown Harbour (Dun Laoghaire), Dublin on 2nd October 1829.

James Gilchrist kept a Medical Journal from 11 August 1829 to 30 January 1830. His first patient mentioned in the journal was Isabella Drew, the child of Sergeant Drew of the 46th regiment who became ill while still in Kingstown harbour.

After leaving Ireland the James Pattison experienced north-east winds and fine weather until in the vicinity of the equator. They were becalmed for eight days until, on the 6th November they picked up a south-east Trade wind. According to the surgeon, they had not experienced even one day of bad weather.

There was a single case of disease similar to typhoid shortly after leaving Ireland however the surgeon took great care and there were no further outbreaks. One of the prisoners, Pat Cooney died from Phthisis. He was only 23 but already ill and the surgeon at first refused to take him but was induced to do so by the medical men and the scarcity of convicts in the hulk.

James Gilchrist gave a very favourable report of the prisoners' conduct on the passage out. They were willing to obey every direction and kept themselves and the prison clean. (2)

Cabin Passengers

Cabin Passengers included Mr. Hodgson, D.A.C.G.

Military Guard

The Guard consisted of 29th rank and file of detachments of regiments stationed in India. With the exception of three they had all been invalided home to England from India and were now returning to their regiments. Several had long standing diseases and were not as healthy as the convicts. Some were taken to the hospital in Sydney on landing.

Port Jackson

The James Pattison arrived in Port Jackson on 20 January 1830 with 199 male prisoners. A Muster was held on board by Colonial Secretary Alexander McLeay on 22nd January 1830. Information in the Indents include Name, Age, Education, Religion, Marital Status, Family, Native Place, Occupation, Offence, When and Where Tried, Sentence, Prior Convictions and Physical Description and to whom the men were assigned on arrival. Crimes included pick pocketing, stealing, vagrancy, burglary, robbery, rape, passing forged notes and manslaughter.


The convicts were landed on the morning of Saturday 30th January 1830


Most were assigned to settlers and the rest were sent to Parramatta Barracks. The youngest was Robert Hunter age 11; William Ennis was 12 years of age, Dennis Garvin, John Travers and William Walker were all aged 13. These boys were all sent to Carter's Barracks on arrival.

Departure From Port Jackson

James Pattison departed Port Jackson bound for Madras and Calcutta on 20th February 1830

James Pattison convicts in the Hunter Valley region:

Browne, John
Carman from Dublin. Assigned to J.P. Webber at Penshurst

Byrne, James
Bricklayer from Dublin. Assigned to James Adair at Patterson Plains

Byrne, Peter
Ploughman and cattle herder from Kildare. Assigned to George Mosman

Campbell, Thomas
Shoemaker's apprentice from Meath

Clarke, Andrew
Labourer from Cavan. Assigned to George Mosman

Close, John
Basket maker from Belfast.

Colvin, Michael
Ploughman from Cavan. Assigned to Robert Adamson Rodd

Connelly, James
Labourer from Co. Meath. Assigned to George Mosman

Connor, John
Stable boy from Co. Derry. Assigned to Stephen Barker at Paterson

Connor, Thomas
Stable boy from Kildare. Assigned to Joseph Thompson on arrival

Corrigan, James
Labourer from Co. Meath. Assigned to George Mosman

Cummings, John
Weaver and labourer from Meath. Assigned to Thomas Dent

Dogherty, David
Groom and coachman from Monaghan. Assigned to Justice Dowling

Dogherty, James
Ploughman and tanner from Carlow. Assigned to John Hooke on arrival

Doogan, Michael
Ploughman from Kildare. Assigned to Thomas Stubbs at Patterson Plains

Fergusson, William
Ploughman from Co. Tyrone. Assigned to William Henry Warland

Flanagan, Matthew
Ploughman from Monaghan. Assigned to Lawrence Myles

Flood, James
Ploughman from Longford. Assigned to Edward Close at Morpeth

Gavin, John
Carpenter and joiner from Westmeath. Assigned to Dept. Public Works

Goff, John
Butcher from Meath. Assigned to James Philips

Green, Thomas
Labourer from Co. Cavan. Assigned to G. Bowen

Gregory, John
Chair maker from Dublin. Assigned to Lawrence Myles

Hamilton, James
Native place Monaghan. Assigned to J.P. Webber at Penshurst

Hilliard, John
Butcher from Co. Antrim. Assigned to Henry Donnison

Hoy, John
Slater's apprentice from Co. Meath. Assigned to Michael Ryan at Wallis Plains

Kavanagh, James
Net maker from Dublin. Assigned to Thomas Florence

Keane, Andrew
Stable boy from Co. Tyrone. Assigned to Alexander McLeod at Luskintyre

Kelly, John
Errand boy from Longford. Assigned to Edward Close at Morpeth

Lynch, Matthew
Labourer and soldier from Co. Cavan. Assigned to James Mitchell at Illawarra

Magennis, John
Ploughman from Co. Meath. Assigned to James Phillips

Maguire, Terence
Labourer and weaver from Co. Tyrone. Assigned to Thomas Thompson at Pennant Hills

McCarthy, Bernard
Labourer from Co. Tyrone. Assigned to David Brown at Wilberforce

McCool, William John
Labourer from Co. Derry. Assigned to Edward Close

McCoy, Alexander
Ploughs, shears. Native place Antrim. Assigned to John McLean at Williams River

McDonald, John
Dealer, auctioneer from Co. Antrim. Assigned to John Hooke

McGrane, Bernard
Ploughman from Longford. Assigned to J.M. Blaxland at Patrick Plains in 1837

Miller, John
Shoemaker from Monaghan. Assigned to Robert Bonner at Bathurst

Moran, Edward
Butcher from Longford. Assigned to George Loder at Windsor

Murphy, Martin
Alias Connors. Age 19. Tailor's apprentice from Wexford. Assigned to William Lawson at Prospect

O'Neale, Peter
Soldier and officer's servant from Glasgow. Assigned to Alexander McLeod at Luskintyre

O'Brien, James
Alias McDermott. Age 21. Hammerman from Dublin. Assigned to George Wyndham

Rogan, Joseph
Miller from Dundalk. Assigned to John Laurio Platt

Ruddy, Michael
Pedlar from Donegal. Assigned to Lawrence Myles

Savage, James
Waiter at a public house in Dublin. Assigned to John Smith at Newcastle

Scandlon, John
Labourer from Longford. Assigned to Botanic Gardens, Sydney

Sheerin, Patrick
Labourer and soldier from Co. Meath. Assigned to William Henry Warland at Dartbrook

Sheridan, Patrick
Labourer and blacksmith from Co. Meath. Assigned to George Hall at Pitt Town

Skelly, James
Herdsman from Westmeath. Assigned to Government Domain

Stafford, Thomas
Soldier from Cork. Assigned to Port Stephens district on arrival

Stuthard, David
Native place Antrim. Assigned to John Smith at Newcastle

Walker, William
Age 13. Errand boy from Dublin. Assigned to Carter's Barracks on arrival

Weddis, Robert
Groom and valet from Fermanagh. Assigned to John McLean at Williams River

Willson, James
Age 30. Soldier and seaman from Wexford. Assigned to John McLean at Williams River

Wilson, Hugh
Weaver's boy from Co. Tyrone. Assigned to William Henry Warland at Dartbrook

Woods, Owen
Labourer from Co. Louth. Assigned to John Dickson in Sydney

Notes and Links

1). James Gilchrist was also employed as surgeon on the Bussorah Merchant in 1831

2). Hunter Valley convicts / passengers arriving on the James Pattison in 1830

3). Return of Convicts of the James Pattison assigned between 1st January 1832 and 31st March 1832 (Sydney Gazette 14 June 1832; 21 June 1832; 28 June 1832; July 1832)

Patrick Byrne - Ploughman assigned to Dr. Fattorini at Sydney

Phillip Colloghan -Labourer assigned to James Kingaby at Parramatta

Hugh Campbell ;- Soldier and officer's servant assigned to Michael Ryan at Liverpool

Patrick Caffery Nailor assigned to John Spilsbury at Windsor

Garrett Farrell - Coachman and groom assigned to Judge Stephen at Sydney

John Goff Butcher assigned to H.P. Dutton at Hunter's River

Charles McMamer ;- Brass founder assigned to William Greenland at Sydney

Edward Sweeny - Tin man assigned to James Whittaker at Sydney

4). John Harte was recommended to have his family join him in New South Wales

5). John Hilliard for having in his possession a forged note of the Bank of Ireland, knowing it to be forged. It appeared from the evidence of the prosecutor Hugh Irwin who lives in the county of Armagh, that he had been in the house of William Hodgkins, publican, Lisburn, in January last, when the prisoner came in and sat down at the fire and called for a. glass of whiskey - after he drank it, he took a bundle of notes from his pocket, and was looking for a 25s. note to pay it with - prosecutor cast his eye over the notes and said he had no 25s. note there, they were all 1 pound notes, and observing some Bank of Ireland notes among them, asked prisoner if he. would swap four of them for four Belfast notes - after some hesitation, prisoner said he would and prosecutor put the notes in his pocket and set off fur home - shortly after prosecutor's wife took two of the note* to Portadown to pay for some clothes she was buying, and tendered them in payment, when she was told they were bad - she returned them to her husband, who then went back to Lisburn and had prisoner arrested and committed to gaol - Several witnesses were called who gave evidence of a similar nature ; and after some consultation among the Jury, they brought in a verdict of Guilty. - The Judge then sentenced him to transportation for 14- years. - Belfast Newsletter 31 March 1829

6). National Archives - Reference: ADM 101/37/2 Description: Medical journal of the James Pattison, convict ship from 11 August 1829 to 30 January 1830 by James Gilchrist, Surgeon and Superintendent, during which time the ship has been employed in transporting convicts to New South Wales.

7). Several convicts transported on the James Pattison were assigned to the Botanic Gardens, Sydney in 1830. Following the death of Superintendent Charles Fraser in 1831, Richard Cunningham brother of Allan Cunningham, was appointed Superintendent.

Those assigned to the Botanic Gardens in 1830 included:
Francis Boland age17 from Boyne
Peter Byrne age 20 from Wicklow
James Bennett age 18 from Dublin
Thomas Boylan age 20 from Monaghan
William Brennan age 30 from County Down
John Cuff age 17 from Dublin
Philip Colgan age 19 from Co. Meath
John Colgan age 26 from Meath
John Scandlon age 30 from Longford
Thomas Slevin age 27 from Tyrone.


[1] Freemans Journal 17 August 1829

[2] UK, Royal Navy Medical Journals, 1817-1857. Medical Journal of James Gilchrist on the voyage of the James Pattison in 1830. The National Archives. Kew, Richmond, Surrey.

[3] Bateson, Charles Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.348-349, 386