Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

Convict Ship Lord Melville I (2) - 1818

Embarked: 148 men
Voyage: 4 1/2 months
Surgeon's Journal - yes
Captain Thackray Wetherell
Surgeon  John McMillan

The Lord Melville was built at Shields in 1805. Convicts were transported to Australia on the Lord Melville in 1817 and this voyage in 1818


The Lord Melville departed England on 18th July, touched at the Cape of Good Hope and arrived in Van Diemen's Land on the 18th December 1818.

Surgeon John McMillan

John McMillan was employed as Surgeon Superintendent. He kept a Medical Journal beginning on the 26th May 1818.

A total of 32 prisoners were treated on the voyage. One man died from anasarca.

Military Guard

The guard consisted of 31 men, 10 of whom belonged to the 48th and 21 regt., and 10 to the 30th regt, under the command of Lieut. A. Waddell of the 48th regt.

Free Settlers

Free Settlers included: John Henry Cawthorn (settler VDL); John Ford (settler VDL).

Notes and Links

Hunter Valley convicts arriving on the Lord Melville in 1818