Convict Ship Marquis of Hastings (1) - 1826
Embarked: 152 men
Voyage: 134 days
Deaths: 0
Surgeon's Journal: yes
Previous vessel: Midas arrived 17 December 1825
Next vessel: Sir Godfrey Webster arrived 3 January 1826
Captain William Ostler
Surgeon George Shaw Rutherford
Prisoners and passengers of the Marquis of Hastings identified in the Hunter Valley
The Marquis of Hastings was built in London in 1819.[6] This was the first voyage bringing prisoners to Australia.
Prison Hulks
Some of the convicts were held on the York and Leviathan Hulks at Portsmouth prior to transportation. John Henry Capper was Superintendent of Ships and Vessels employed for the confinement of criminals. He made the following report -'The convicts confined on board the Leviathan, York and Hardy hulks, in Portsmouth harbour, have been employed in carrying on the public works under the naval and ordnance boards, and the principal officers of those departments have expressed their approbation of the prisoners' conduct when on shore executing their tasks of labour. [5]
The prisoners were transferred from the Hulks to the ship on 15th August 1825.
Military Guard
The Guard consisted of 37 rank and file of the 57th regiment under Ensign StewartDeparture
The Marquis of Hastings departed Portsmouth on 22 August 1825 and Rio de Janeiro on 2nd November 1825.The Sydney Gazette later reported: {Extract} - .The Marquis of Hastings fell in with a French brig (the Bon Pere) from Nantz, off the Cape of Good Hope, bound to the Isle of Bourbon, and by this means elicited the information that Ferdinand VII had abdicated the Spanish Throne, in favour of his brother, Don Carlos, a Prince that is universally adored by the people, on account of his patriotic attachment to the Constitutional Government, as established by the famous Cortes. The same respectable and authentic source, whence we derive the above, has also added to our stock of choice information, by acquainting us that the Relict of the venerated Macquarie receives a pension, from His Majesty's Government, of £400 per annum. Young Lachlan may yet revisit his Country, by which time we hope this other Scion of Australia will have the melancholy felicity of viewing that Monument which a grateful People will then have raised to the memory and in honour of his revered Sire. [2]
Surgeon George Shaw Rutherford
Surgeon George Rutherford kept a Medical Journal from 2 July 1825 to 9 January 1826. He remarked that there were few cases of serious illness due to the favourable season when sailing. They departed in August when fine weather was to be expected off the Cape of Good Hope -On no former occasion however did scurvy make its appearance so early on voyage, symptoms developing before they reached the line. Knowing from former voyages what I had to expect by entering the cold southern latitudes before reaching the Cape I considered it advisable to put into Rio de Janeiro for refreshments - little else could be done other than arresting the progress of the disease when it made its appearance up to that date by the usual means - liberating them from irons and obliging them to take exercise, keeping the prison clean, dry and ventilated and administering lime juice. No cases of scurvy appeared after Rio de Janeiro. [7]
Some of those mentioned in the Surgeon's Journal included:
John Bullock, aged 23;
John Chillingworth, aged 58;
Richard Gurnet, soldier,
Joseph Henry, aged 29;
John Boon, aged 19;
Joseph Stammers, aged 29;
Samuel Porter, aged 25;
Charles Pulham, aged 28;
William Billet, aged 20;
William Maltman, aged 20;
Charles Clifford, aged 20;
Philip Gould, aged 15;
William Burgen, aged 21;
Joseph Manning, aged 19;
William Lawrence, aged 23;
William Brooks, aged 25;
John Turpin, aged 21;
James Barret, aged 30;
Philip Gould, aged 15;
William Brooks, aged 25;
Anthony West, aged 25;
William Cutts, aged 48;
Port Jackson
They arrived in Port Jackson on 3 January 1826.Convict Indents
Until 1825 Frederick Goulburn held the position of Colonial Secretary in New South Wales. In June 1825 Alexander McLeay was appointed to the position. Alexander McLeay arrived with his wife and six daughters on this shipFrom this time forward more detailed information was recorded in the convict indents. Previously usually only the name, age, place and date of trial, native place, trade and physical description were set down. After Alexander McLeay took over the position the indents revealed details such as name, age, education, religion, marital status, family, native place, calling, offence, when and where tried, sentence, prior convictions, physical description and to whom assigned on arrival. Occasional information regarding relatives already in the colony, deaths and colonial sentences were also often recorded.
Convict Muster
A Muster was held on board on Saturday 7th January 1826 by Colonial Secretary Frederick Goulburn. This was the last time he held a muster on a convict ship.Disembarkation
The prisoners were landed on the morning of Monday 9th January. They were not landed at the usual place in Sydney Cove, but in the Government Domain, in Farm Cove, and were then marched through the Domain at the back of Government House direct to the Prisoners' Barracks in Hyde Park.The majority were forwarded to the interior by water, for the purpose of accommodating the settlers, who have been so badly off for labourers for a considerable time past.[3]
Convict [Hyde Park] Barrack Sydney N.S. Wales, c. 1820 Artist unknown Watercolour Presented by Mrs E Fuller in memory of her husband, Capt AWF Fuller, 1963 - State Library of NSW
Captain William Ostler
William Ostler came into conflict with Governor Darling as the following correspondence shows: Governor Darling to the Commissioners of the Navy. Gentlemen, 3rd Febru'y, 1826........I beg to state to you that Mr. Ostler has throughout acted most irregularly. Soon after his arrival, he landed 2 Casks of Brandy and two Casks of Wine, with Thirteen Packages of Goods of different kinds. These were detained by the Naval Officer, but have since been given up, the Attorney General being of opinion that the Laws for seizing Goods, landed without a Permit, do not extend to this Colony.
I must not omit to mention that, in order to render this imposition the less liable to detection, Mr. McLeay's name, the Colonial Secretary, who came out Passenger in the Marquis of Hastings, was put on the several articles landed; And that, even after this occurrence, another Boat was detained with a quantity of things on board, but Mr. Ostler endeavoured to excuse himself in this case by asserting that they belonged to one of the Officers of the Ship. I should add that, in addition to these Articles, Mr. Ostler imported Thirty-five Tons of Pig lead, which it does not appear, by your Letter, he had any authority to Ship, though he produced a docket to that effect, and was in consequence permitted to land it. I have furnished Mr. Ostler with a Certificate of his having landed the Convicts, which were embarked under his charge, in good order, and have stated in it that I should report his Conduct to enable you to take the necessary steps. From what I understand, Mr. Ostler is by no means a solitary case. I shall, how- ever, use all the means in my power to put a stop to the Ships, employed in this Line, trading, as appears to have been the practice.
I have, etc, Ra. Darling. [1]
One year later a Government Order was issued:
As the Conduct of the Masters of Convict Ships, has, in several Instances, been extremely irregular in endeavouring to introduce into the Colony Articles for Sale, contrary to their Charter Party, and to the Prejudice of the established Merchants and Traders, the Commissioners of the Navy, on the Representation of His Excellency, have signified their Determination to co-operate, to the utmost, to put a Stop to such Practices; And, in Pursuance thereof, have resolved to inflict a severe 'Mulct against the Freight of the Marquis of Hastings for the highly improper Conduct of the Master' on his last Voyage to this Colony.
The Marquis of Hastings was to depart the colony for Calcutta on 28th January 1826.The Asiatic Journal reported in 1827....Capt. Wm. Ostler, of the Marquis of Hastings, homeward-bound from China, threw himself overboard in a fit of insanity off the Cape of Good Hope, on the night of the 9th September.
An article in the Australian later gave further news - In our last number we mentioned that Captain Ostler had drowned himself after being detected in an attempt to burn that fine vessel to prevent some contraband goods, which had been taken on board, being discovered. It appears that on the same morning, the 9th September, when this circumstance took place, a note was found on the desk in his cabin to this effect: 'A bad crew, and bad first officer, have been the destruction of W. Ostler' At two o'clock on the previous day, a fire was discovered, but soon extinguished, in the store room of the ship. It must have been put into the scuttle by some person maliciously inclined. Captain Ostler struck his forehead, replying to Mr. Martin, that it was a very strange think, and then returned to his cabin. The vessel put into the Cape of Good Hope by desire of the crew, for refreshment. The fore and spring stays were found burned by vitriol. She had put into Mossel Bay in distress on the 1st of the same month. Row, the chief officer, had been suspended from duty by Captain Ostler on the 9th August. One thousand chests of tea were sold at Batavia to defray the expenses of repairing the damage sustained in the Java sea, and coffee taken in to supply the efficiency. [4]
Notes and Links
1). Evidence of George Rutherford - on the efficiency of secondary punishment.2). George Rutherford was surgeon on the convict ships Prince of Orange in 1821, Shipley in 1822, Commodore Hayes in 1823 (VDL), Marquis of Hastings in 1826, Eliza in 1827, Lord Melville in 1829, Royal Admiral in 1830 and the China 1846 (to Norfolk Island)
3). From the National Archives UK - Chartered ship, 450 tons. Principal Managing Owners: 1-3 George Lyell, 4 James Somes.
4). It was reported that Frederick Goulburn departed the colony on the Columbia in January 1826 with the intention of retiring from public life.
5). William Ostler was previously Master on the convict ships Elizabeth in 1816; Elizabeth in 1818 and Elizabeth in 1820
6). The vessel Marquis of Hastings transported convicts to Australia on this voyage in 1826 (NSW), 1827 (NSW), 1828 (NSW), 1839 (VDL) and 1842 (VDL).
7). Return of Convicts of the Marquis of Hastings assigned between 1st January 1832 and 31st March 1832 (Sydney Gazette 14 June 1832; 21 June 1832; 28 June 1832).....
Charles Clifford - Brass turner assigned to Thomas Roberts at Sydney
Thomas Herring - Cowman. Assigned to Thomas Kendall at St. Vincent
Levy Lencock (Simcock) - Tailor assigned to John Liscombe at Bathurst
Prisoners of the Marquis of Hastings identified in the Hunter Valley -
Levi AbrahamJeweller's Clerk age 26. Tried in London and sentenced to transportation for life for burglary. Admitted to the York Hulk 8 March 1825. Transferred to the Marquis of Hastings on 15 August 1825. Assigned to the Principal Superintendent of Convicts on arrival. In Newcastle convict barracks in 1828. Sent to Norfolk Island in 1834. Probably at Wellingrove in March 1851. Granted Conditional Pardon April 1852
James Barrett
Reaps and thrashes. Age 30. Native place Wiltshire. Tried at Salisbury 5 March 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to Willoughby Bean at Brisbane Water on arrival. Still there in 1828. Application to marry Ann Gilham at Brisbane Water in December 1839. Granted Conditional Pardon June 1847.
William Billett
Ploughman age 19. Native place Wiltshire. Tried at Salisbury 5 March 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to Frederick A. Hely on arrival. Assigned to Robert Henderson at Brisbane Water in 1828.
William Brooks
Butcher age 26. Native place Essex. Tried at Newgate 15 May 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Sent to the Minto district for distribution on arrival. Assigned to Francis Little at Scone in 1828. Also listed assigned to the A.A. Company in 1828. Granted Ticket of Leave for Maitland May 1834. Granted Ticket of Leave for Newcastle in March 1836. Ticket cancelled for absconding and breach of trust in May 1836
John Cronshaw
Iron founder age 19. Tried at Manchester 18 April 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to Hyde Park Barracks on arrival. Absconded from William Todhunter at Maitland in May 1837.
William Crookshanks
Clerk age 18 from Birmingham. Tried at Winchester 26 March 1825 and sentenced to 14 years transportation. Punished for disorderly conduct on the voyage out. Sent to Wellington Valley on arrival. Granted Ticket of Leave for Port Stephens district in October 1834
John Crowbombe
Ploughs, age 21. Tried at Somersetshire 26 March 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to J. Campbell on arrival. Assigned to T.W.M. Winder at Windermere in February 1833. Absconded from William Todhunter in August 1837
William Cutts
Horse doctor, native place Essex. Tried at Chelmsford 8 March 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to the hospital on arrival. Granted Ticket of Leave in November 1834. Ticket of leave holder at Maitland in 1837. Employed as horse dealer and livery stable keeper at Maitland in April 1842. Insolvent 1842. Died at Mulberry Creek in May 1844.
James Dewell
Bricklayer age 20. Native place London. Tried at Newgate January 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to Rev. Lang on arrival. He was in Newcastle convict barracks in 1828 and attached to the Newcastle gaol by 1835 when he was charged with holding an improper communication with the female prisoners in the gaol. John Moor per Champion also attached to the gaol, was charged with being accessory with Dewell. John Field, gaoler, testified...On Tuesday 27th October 1835 I heard the prisoner Dewell holding a conversation with a female prisoner and I saw a handkerchief thrown from the window out of the woman's room which handkerchief I found on the prisoner. I heard the woman call the prisoner by name and tell him to get some sugar and tobacco for her. I found a dollar tied up in the handkerchief. Moor was on watch at the time. It was his duty to prevent any communication between the prisoners. It was done by his knowledge. I allow nothing to come into the gaol without my permission and then only on a Monday. Dewell and Moor were found Guilty. Moor was sentenced to seventy five lashes and Dewell to fifty lashes. James Dewell was still employed as a Gaoler at Newcastle Gaol in 1837. He was granted Ticket of Leave for Newcastle in April 1839. In January 1842 he was sent to Newcastle gaol by Magistrate J.H. Crummer on suspicion of having committed a robbery. In June 1843 his Ticket of leave was cancelled for assault and battery of Mr. Davies at Newcastle. In November 1844 he was found not guilty of stealing from Mrs. Bowen at Newcastle. He was charged with dishonest conduct in December 1845 when a considerable quantity of property found on his premises for which he could not account. His wife Johannah Dunn was described as a convict serving her original sentence and a person of dishonest and dissolute habits who had previously been sent to the Female Factory at Newcastle. The Magistrate requested that Johannah Dunn be sent to the Female Factory at Parramatta. James Dewell's Ticket of Leave for Newcastle was cancelled for dishonest conduct. He was Granted Conditional Pardon April 1851
Thomas Fellows
Horse shoer age 23. Native place Warwickshire. Tried 4 April 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. In 1837 he held a Ticket of Leave and was employed at Newcastle gaol. In February 1838 absconded from James Dobson of Clarence Town. He was granted a Ticket of Leave for the Dungog district in January 1841. Granted Conditional Pardon dated 1 May 1849.
James Fibbins
Ploughman age 29. Native place Sussex; Tried Horsham 23 March 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to Mr. Cox at Windsor on arrival. Assigned to William Cox at Clarendon Hunter River in 1828. Absconded from William Cox at Hobartville on 3 August 1834. Granted a Ticket of Leave for Invermein in June 1835. Ticket of Leave holder residing at Invermein in 1837. Ticket of Leave cancelled for attempting to break into a hut with the intention of assaulting a female at Invermein in September 1838. Application to marry Johanna Ahern at Singleton in July 1845. He was accused of stealing money belonging to Thomas Bridge on the Wollombi to Maitland road in November 1850 however the case was dismissed. James Fibbens died at Maitland in September 1863
John Fibbins
Ploughman age 26. Native place Sussex; tried Horsham 23 March 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to Mr. Cox at Windsor on arrival. Sentenced to 25 lashes for neglect of duty and disobedience of orders at Windsor in November 1837. Ticket of leave holder at Invermein in 1837. Application to marry Sarah Watkins at Maitland in 1838.
David Gardener
Ploughman age 37. Native place Sussex. Tried at Horsham 25 March 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to William Harper on arrival. Still there in 1828. Ticket of Leave holder at Maitland in May 1834. Admitted to Newcastle gaol under sentence of 14 days in the cells in January 1835. Ticket of leave cancelled for making use of disrespectful and insulting conduct to a Magistrate in May 1835. Assigned to James Adair at Paterson in 1837. Ticket of leave holder at Maitland in July 1838
Jonathon Goldspink
Ploughman age 21. Native place Norfolk city. Tried at Norfolk 22 March 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to Vicars Jacob at Newcastle on arrival. Assigned to Alexander McLeod at Luskintyre where he was employed as a shepherd in 1828
William Goslett
Hawker age 19. Native place Wiltshire. Tried Salisbury7 March 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Absconded from service of William Evans in July 1827. Still assigned to Evans in November 1828.
Philip Gould
Carter age 16. Native place Taunton. Tried at Somerset 1 April 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to the Windsor district on arrival. Ticket of Leave holder for Brisbane Water district in 1837. Residing at Mangrove Creek in 1841
Robert Gower
Ploughman age 27. Native place Sussex. Tried Horsham 23 March 1825 and sentenced to 7 years transportation. Assigned to Frederick Hely at Brisbane Water in 1828. Notice in 1846...Sydney December 1846 - Enquiry having been made by their brother in England respecting John and Robert Gower who arrived in this colony in the ship Marquis of Hastings in 1826, under sentences of 7 years transportation and received their Certificates of Freedom the former on 3 April and the latter on 4th May 1832, any person who is enabled to afford information respecting the above individuals is requested to have the goodness to transmit the same to the Colonial Secretary's Office
John Hallett
Boot maker age 32 from Somersetshire. Tried 27 March 1825 and sentenced to transportation for 14 years. Assigned to Mr. G. Cox at Newcastle on arrival. Assigned to Edward Gostwyck Cory at Vineyard Cottage, Paterson in 1828. Granted a Ticket of Leave for Patterson's Plains district in April 1832. Ticket of Leave cancelled in October 1838 for drunkenness and gross disorderly conduct.
Abraham Hicks
Reaper age 20. Native place Suffolk. Tried at Chelmsford and sentenced to 7 years transportation. Assigned to William Dun at Duninald on arrival. Still there in 1828. Granted a Ticket of Leave for Paterson Plains in May 1831. Granted Certificate of Freedom in June 1832
George Hobbs
Horse dealer age 23 from Gloucester. Tried at Chelmsford 7 March 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to Mr. Ross at Windsor on arrival. Assigned to William Dangar at Dartbrook in 1828
Henry Holmes
Ploughman age 25. Native place Suffolk. Tried Ipswich 14 March 1825 and sentenced to transportation for 7 years. Assigned to Frederick A. Hely at Brisbane Water on arrival. Still there in 1828. Application to marry Catherine Connor at Brisbane Water in April 1840. Granted a Timber License for Brisbane Water in 1840 - 1841.
Joseph Manning
Ploughman age 19 from Somersetshire. Tried 1 April 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to Henry W. Radford on arrival. Granted a Ticket of Leave for Patrick Plains in July 1834. Employed as a stock keeper by Robert and Helenus Scott in 1835. Admitted to Newcastle gaol in January 1835, committed for trial at the Quarter Sessions at Maitland for cattle stealing. On remand until at least May 1835. Granted a Ticket of Leave for Merton in May 1839. Application to marry Elizabeth Crawley at Patrick Plains in April 1841
Joseph Moorey
Ploughman age 25. Native place Kent. Tried Horsham 23 March 1825 and sentenced to transportation for 14 years. Assigned to Archibald Bell on arrival. Granted a Ticket of Leave for Patrick Plains in May 1832.
Daniel Morgan
Age 19. Native place London. Tried Newgate 19 May 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Granted a Ticket of Leave for Maitland in October 1835. Application to marry Margaret Fulham at West Maitland in April 1841. May have died at Maitland in January 1844
William Ash Mortimer
Ploughman. Granted at Ticket of Leave for Port Stephens in February 1847. James E. Orr offering reward for apprehension of Mortimer who they believed had robbed their dray. Description 5'4'; fore finger on the right hand cut off; 45 years of age. Committed for trial at Maitland Quarter Sessions in February 1852 having been apprehended at Maryborough.. Acquitted of the charges. The charges related to Mortimer having been in charge of the dray and drunk when it was robbed. He offered to recompensate Orr from his earnings as a shearer.
John Pritchard
Watchmaker. Granted Ticket of Leave for Merton in December 1831
Joel Richards
Ploughs; native place Devon. Tried 5 March 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to John Cobb in Sydney on arrival. Assigned to Sir John Jamison at Luskintyre in 1828. Ticket of Leave holder at Maitland in 1837.
George Skarritt
Carter age 21. Native place Monmouth. Tried Warwick 5 April 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to Mr. Ross at Windsor on arrival. Sent to Newcastle gaol for being drunk and disorderly in February 1831. Sentenced to 3 days solitary confinement.
William Spurling
Ploughs and milks. Tried at Norfolk 25 March 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to Dr. Harris on arrival. Ticket of Leave holder at Brisbane Water, died in March 1849.
Joseph Trigg
Ploughs, makes butter, age 36. Native place Hertford. Tried Chelmsford 18 March 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to William Dun at Newcastle on arrival. Granted a Ticket of Leave for Maitland in July 1836
Thomas Williams
Native place Gloucester. Tried at Somerset 26 March 1825 and sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to Minto district on arrival. Granted Ticket of Leave for Patterson's Plains in August 1831
William Willmott
Stable boy age 17. Tried at Newgate 17 February and sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to Mr. Eagan on arrival. House servant assigned to innkeeper John Cheers at Newcastle in 1828.
10). Vessels bringing detachments of the 57th Regiment -
Asia 1825 departed Cork 29 October 1824 - Captain Richard Heaviside
Asia (III) 1825 departed Portsmouth 5 January 1825 - Lieutenant Thomas Bainbridge
Royal Charlotte 1825 departed Portsmouth 5 January 1825 - Major Edmund Lockyer
Hooghley 1825 departed Cork 5 January 1825 Cork - Captain Patrick Logan
Norfolk 1825 departed Portsmouth 17 April 1825 - Captain James Brown
Minstrel 1825 departed Portsmouth 17 April 1825 - Lieutenant Henry John Tudor Shadforth
Lonach 1825 departed Cork 16 May 1825 - Lieutenant John William Donelan
Sir Godfrey Webster departed Cork 11 July 1825 - Lieutenant John Ovens
Medway 1825 departed the Downs 2 August 1825 Downs - Lieutenant William Bates
Henry Porcher 1825 departed Dublin 5 August 1825 Dublin - Captain Vance Young Donaldson
Marquis of Hastings 1826 departed Portsmouth 22 August 1825 - Ensign Stewart
Mangles 1826 departed Cork 23 October 1825 - Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Shadforth
Sesostris 1826 departed Portsmouth 30 November 1825 - Major John Campbell
Prince Regent 1827 departed London 11 June 1827 - Lieutenant Campbell
Morley 1828 departed Dublin 3 November 1827 - Captain Robert Hunt
Borodino 1828 departed Cork 11 February 1828 Cork - Captain Philip Aubyn
Mangles 1828 departed Dublin 23 February 1828 Dublin- Lieut. Hill and Adjutant Lieut. Kidd
Bussorah Merchant 1828 departed London 27 March 1828 - Captain Burton Daveney (+ 1 soldier)
Marquis of Hastings 1828 departed Portsmouth 1828 30 June 1828 - Colonel Allen
Asia 1828 departed London 23 November 1828 - Lieutenant George Edwards
[1] HRA, Series 1, vol. XII, p. 157[2] Sydney Gazette 1 February 1826
[3] Sydney Gazette 12 January 1826
[4] The Australian 20 December 1826
[5] Accounts and Papers - Report of John Henry Capper, Esq., Superintendent of Ships and Vessels employed for the confinement of offenders under sentenced of transportation dated 25 January 1825.
[6] Bateson, Charles, Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.346-347
[7] UK, Royal Navy Medical Journals, 1817-1857. Medical Journal of George Shaw Rutherford on the voyage of the Marquis Hastings in 1826. The National Archives. Kew, Richmond, Surrey.
[8] National Archives - Reference: ADM 101/50/2 Description: Medical journal of the convict ship Marquis of Hastings for 2 July 1825 to 9 January 1826, which sailed to New South Wales, by G.S. Rutherford, surgeon and superintendent.