Free Settler or Felon

Convict and Colonial History

Convict Ship Warrior - 1835

Embarked: 18 men
Surgeon's Journal: no
Previous vessel: Lady McNaughten 30 October 1835
Next vessel: Royal Sovereign arrived 12 December 1835
Captain John Stone
Surgeon David Hartley
Convicts and passengers of the Warrior identified in the Hunter Valley region

The Warrior arrived in New South Wales from England in February 1835 bringing free passengers including Robert Barrington Dawson.

She then sailed for Calcutta arriving there in April 1835 and departing on 8th September 1835 bound for Port Jackson.

Port Jackson

The Warrior arrived in Port Jackson from Calcutta on 20th November 1835 with eighteen prisoners of the Crown.

Free Passengers

Free passengers included Edwin Park, James Donnathorne, James Thompson of the Bengal Civil Service

Convict Indents

The convict indent includes the name, age, education, religion, marital status, native place, trade, offence, where and when court-martialled, sentence, prior convictions and punishments, physical description and various colonial records such as tickets of leave, colonial sentences and deaths (two of the eighteen prisoners of the Warrior were later executed)

Notes and Links

1). Bushranger Alexander Telford arrived on the Warrior

2). Calcutta shipping news 1835 - Asiatic Journal