Free Settler or Felon

Convict and Colonial History

Freemason's Arms

Raymond Terrace

Charles Dee obtained a licence for the new public house built by Robert Keddie in Williams Street Raymond Terrace in 1843.

There were 13 rooms and a cellar with a detached kitchen and 2 cottages adjoining. The Inn was to be known as the Freemasons Arms in honor of the ancient fraternity of which Charles Dee was a brother [2].

Robert Keddie

In 1845 Robert Keddie was in financial difficulty and the premises at the Trades' Arms Inn in East Maitland and also four stone cottages and five brick cottages in East Maitland and the Freemasons Arms together with two cottages were offered for sale. [3]

In 1847 the Freemasons' Arms was again offered for sale. Charles Dee was still in occupation at a rent of £75.

James Holdstock

By November 1848 James Holdstock had taken over the licence.

In an advertisement in that month he thanked the inhabitants of Raymond Terrace and surrounds for their past favours and stated that he had laid in an extensive and varied supply of wines spirits and ales. He had the best Jamaica Rum selling at 9 shillings per gallon. [4]

Robert Ewing

In 1849 Robert Ewing (late of Maitland), in an advertisement to the public and his 'friends in New England and Port Stephens' gave notice that he had taken over the 'old established house', the Freemason's Arms [5].

Notes and Links

1). James Holdstock built the Steam Packet Inn at Raymond Terrace in July 1849.

2). Thanks to Kaye Thompson, a descendant of the Barry family for the following information -

In 1848 John Barry was granted a publican's licence for the Rose, Thistle and Shamrock Inn at Raymond Terrace. [1]
John Barry took over the licence for the Freemason's Arms in 1850.
The Barry family continued in the hotel industry for many years -
J. F. Barry was the proprietor of the Commercial Hotel in West Maitland from 1897 to c1910. The Commercial stayed in the family through to 1925 with a Mrs. J. Barry being the proprietor at that time. J. J. Barry was proprietor of the Railway Hotel in West Maitland in the years 1897-1905 and also the Hunter River Hotel at Raymond Terrace was owned by Mrs. Barry in 1882.


[1] New South Wales, Australia, Certificates for Publicans' licences, 1830-1849, 1853-1860

[2] Maitland Mercury 29 April 1843

[3] Maitland Mercury 2 January 1845

[4] Maitland Mercury 4 November 1848

[5] Maitland Mercury 14 July 1849