James Dickson R. N.,
Convict Ship Surgeon-Superintendent
There were two Surgeons by the name of James Dickson in the Navy List of 1814 :
James Dickson (1) *23 March 1809
James Dickson (2) *21 October 1811.
James Dickson (1)
The surgeon James Dickson (1) who was employed as surgeon superintendent on the following convict ships usually signed his name James Dickson (1). All the surgeon's journals of the following convict ships had a similar style of writing:Countess of Harcourt to NSW in 1824. James Dickson (1) kept a Medical journal from 3rd March to 17 July 1824
Woodford in 1826 to VDL. James Dickson (1) Medical journal from 13th July 1824 to 24th December 1824
Florentia to NSW in 1828. Medical journal from 23 July 1828 to 14th January 1829
Norfolk to NSW in 1829. Medical journal from 28th April to 7th September 1829
James Dickson (2)
James Dickson (2). This surgeon was probably only employed on one convict ship voyage -Vittoria to NSW in 1829. He kept Medical Journal from 1 August 1828 to 30 January 1829.
James Dickson (2) (*21 October 1811) was on the List of Surgeons of the Royal Navy fit for service in 1841.