Captain John Pike - Settler
Pickering - Map 7
John Pike first came to New South Wales on the Boyd with the 73rd regiment in 1809.
The Boyd departed Cork on 10 March 1809. They sailed via the Cape of Good Hope and arrived in Port Jackson on the 14th August. On 20th August the Sydney Gazette recorded the arrival of the Boyd with one hundred and thirty four male prisoners, and passengers Captain Cameron, Lieutenants Pike and Wright of the 73rd regt., together with 30 non-commissioned officers and privates.
John Pike was probably present the following June when His Majesty's Birthday Celebrations were ushered in with the ringing of bells and hoisting of the Union Jack.
In 1814 Captain John Pike embarked on the Earl Spencer with the 73rd regiment bound for Ceylon. The lists at the site Under a Tropical Sun prepared by Robin Walsh, Macquarie University Library, names Commissioned Officers of the 73rd Regiment who Served in Ceylon in the years 1814-1821, and carries the following entry for John Pike:
PIKE, John (c.1780-1863) Commissioned: Ensign (73rd Regiment) 20 June 1805; Lieutenant 18 February 1807; Captain 10 August 1812; retired [by sale] 15 April 1824. Served in NSW/ VDL: 1809-1814. Served in Ceylon: 1814-1821. Arrived: Colombo, on the transport Earl Spencer 25 March 1814. Died: 9 March 1863, at Tours (France).
In February 1815, while serving in Ceylon it was announced that Captain Pike was appointed to the command and general superintendence of the three Posts of Malamagodde, Kokanaville,and Hettymoelle, which were established between Rusuwell and Ganitheyne. He was stationed at the centre depot of Kokanavelle.
Arrival of John Pike in 1825
After selling his commission John Pike together with his second wife Justine and daughter Mary Elizabeth, returned to New South Wales on the ship Phoenix under Captain Francis Dixon, arriving in February 1825. He brought with him on the Phoenix, 10 Saxon ewes and 4 rams and 10 merino ewes.Land Grant
John Pike was granted 2000 acres of land which he selected at the Hunter River. He returned to Sydney at the same time as William Ogilvie and Peter Cunningham having decided on the future site of Pickering. He also applied for permission to purchase another 4000 acres adjoining the grant.
John Pike, with his wife and daughter travelled by dray to their new home soon afterwards. Assigned servants Edward Duffy, Alexander McBean, John Sadler and William Duggan probably accompanied the family on this first journey.In Dawn in the Valley, W. Allan Wood wrote of the Pike family's journey - Captain Pike was the first to take a dray to that part of the country and his track, which others followed, was called Captain Pike's Road. He took a keg of rum to conciliate his convict servants, but in July three had taken to the bush. Mrs. Justine Pike was the first white woman and Mary Elizabeth was the first white girl to go to the Upper Hunter.
Three years later, in 1828 Martin Cash arrived in the colony on the Marquis of Huntley. He was assigned to George Bowman not far from Pickering. Select Here to read an excerpt from his memoirs, in which he describes a visit to Pickering and the conditions of the forty convicts who were assigned to John Pike at that time. Cash wrote that 'when any of Captain Pike's men were for trial (not a very unusual circumstance, as almost anything and everything constituted a crime), Mr. Ogilvie presided and vice versa. And when men from other farms were to be dealt with, both these gentlemen presided together'
In 1833, eight years after arriving in the Valley, John Pike's only daughter Mary Elizabeth married James Arndell at Pickering.
Sale of Pickering to Archibald Bell
The Pickering estate was sold to Archibald Bell in 1859Death of John Pike
John Pike died at Tours, France while on a tour of Europe in 1863.Convicts and emigrants assigned to Pickering :
Archer, WilliamShip John 1827. Farm servant and top sawyer from Hereford. Assigned servant in 1828. Granted a Ticket of Leave in 1836. Died in January 1840
Atwick, John
Ship John 1832. Harness maker. Assigned servant in August 1832
Auty, Benjamin
Ship Clyde 1832. Canal boatman from Yorkshire. Assigned servant in December 1832
Cameron, Archibald
Came free. Emigrant per Boyne in 1838
Bain, Alexander
Came free. Emigrant per James Moran in 1839
Balsom, John
Ship Layton 1829. Occupation stonecutter. Assigned servant in 1832
Bambrough, John
Ship Champion 1827. Occupation shoemaker. Assigned servant in 1828. Granted a Ticket of Leave in 1836.
Barr, Francis
Ship Marquis of Hastings 1828. Ploughman and shepherd from Worcester. Assigned servant in 1828. Granted Ticket of Leave in 1833
Bluett, Thomas
Ship Governor Ready 1829. Dairyman from Waterford. Absconded in September 1829
Booker, William
Ship Governor Bourke in 1833. Assigned servant in April 1833
Bowen, John
Ship Sophia 1829. Apprentice carpenter from Dublin. Assigned servant in January 1829. Executed for burglary in Sydney in 1833
Briggs, Thomas
Ship Florentia 1830. Ploughman, milks, reaps, sows. Native place Yorkshire. Assigned servant in December 1830. Granted Ticket of Leave in 1834
Bruce, John
Ship Henry 1823. Sailor from Belfast. Assigned servant in 1828
Burghall, George
Ship Albion 1828. Ploughman and reaper from Cheshire. Assigned servant in 1828
Connor, Patrick
Ship England 1826. Labourer and cooper from Waterford. Tried in Liverpool. Assigned servant in 1828
Connor, William
Ship Lady Harewood 1832. Occupation Boat boy. Assigned servant in November 1832
Cray, Catherine
Ship Buffalo 1833. Servant from London. Assigned servant in January 1837
Crompton, Thomas
Ship Prince Regent 1824. Assigned servant in 1828
Cullingwood, George
Ship Florentia 1830. Labourer from Yorkshire. Assigned servant in December 1830
Curlett, William
Ship Providence 1811. Seaman from Co. Down. Assigned servant in 1828
Dawley, John
Ship Boyne 1826. Farm labourer from Cork. Assigned servant in 1826
Devine, William
Ship Boyne 1826. Cattle dealer and labourer from Co. Sligo. Assigned servant 1826 - 1828
Donnochie, William
Ship Marquis of Huntley 1826. Errand boy from Glasgow. Assigned servant 1826 - 1828
Duggan, James
Ship Boyne 1826. Farm labourer from Cork. Assigned servant in 1826
Early, Henry
Came free per Lord Eldon. Employed as overseer in 1828
Edwards, John
Ship Parmelia 1832. Fellmonger from Kent. Assigned servant in 1837
Egan, Peter
Ship Recovery 1823. Assigned servant in October 1826
Fannan, John
Ship Hercules 1825. Assigned servant in 1828
Farrell, James
Ship Cambridge 1827. Labourer from Co. Meath. Assigned servant in 1828
Farrell, Matthew
Ship Forth 1830 (1). Ploughman, reaps, milks. Native place Kilkenny. Assigned servant in 1830
Field, Charles
Ship Lady Harewood 1832. Nailer from Worcestershire. Assigned servant in November 1832. Ticket of Leave holder employed at Pickering in 1837
Flaherty, Patrick
Ship Forth 1830 (1). Ploughman from Tipperary. Assigned servant in 1830
Franklin, James
Ship Planter 1832. Groom from Sussex. Assigned servant in 1837
Freer, John
Ship Parmelia 1832. Tried in Lincolnshire. Assigned servant in 1837
French, James
Ship Strathfieldsaye 1836. Farm servant from Oxfordshire. Assigned servant in 1837
Green, John
Ship Lady Harewood 1832. Ploughs, milks and reaps. Native place Norfolk. Assigned servant in November 1832
Griffin, Mary
Ship Andromeda 1834. Servant from Cork. Assigned servant in 1834
Hague, William
Ship Guildford 1824. Blacksmith. Assigned servant in June 1832
Hayes, Jeremiah
Ship Calcutta 1837. Assigned servant in 1837
Hinge, James
Ship Isabella 1832. Plasterer from Somerset. Assigned servant in June 1832
Hogan, Patrick
Ship Eliza 1827. Assigned servant in 1837
Jeffery, Sarah
Ship Roslin Castle 1830. Laundress from Cork. Assigned servant in 1830 - 32
Jeffrey, John
Came free. Emigrant per Boyne in 1838
Jones, George
Ship Dunvegan Castle 1830. . Absconded in January 1842
Jones, John
Ship Bussorah Merchant 1828. Butcher and waterman from London. Assigned servant in 1828
Jordan, John
Ship Isabella 1832. Butcher and porter from London. Assigned servant in June 1832
Kelly, Edmund
Ship Prince Regent 1820. Absconded from service in August 1825
Kent, William
Ship Atlas 1819. Assigned servant in 1828
Large, Thomas
Ship Lady Harewood 1832. Brickmaker and boatman from London. Assigned servant in November 1832
Lenney, Edward
Ship Albion 1827. Blacksmith from London. Assigned servant in 1828
Lloyd, William
Ship Exmouth 1831. Waterman from Salop. Assigned servant in 1831
Lyons, John
Ship Hero 1835. Cooper from Limerick. Absconded from service in October 1838
Mahoney, Thomas
Ship Forth 1830 (1). Boatman from Limerick. Assigned servant in 1830
Matley, David
Ship John 1827. Factory boy from Stockport. Assigned servant in November 1827
McBean, Alexander
Ship Speke 1821. Baker from Edinburgh. Assigned servant in 1828. Occupation baker
McDonnell, Alexander
Came Free. Emigrant per Lady McNaughten in 1839
McDonnell, William
Ship Edward 1831. Groom and indoor servant. Assigned to John Pike on arrival in 1831
McKay, Alexander
Came Free. Emigrant per James Moran in 1839
McKenna, John
Ship Captain Cook 1832. Shepherd and ploughman. Assigned servant in August 1832
McMahon, Francis
Ship Captain Cook 1832. Boot and shoe maker. Assigned servant in August 1832
McPhee, Ewen
Emigrant per ship Boyne in 1839
Mugford, William
Ship Surry 1834. Assigned servant in 1836
Murphy, John
Ship Asia 1831. Ploughs. Native place Cork. Assigned servant in 1831
Ogden, Joshua
Ship Globe 1819. Occupation joiner. Employed at Pickering in 1828
Owen, Thomas
Ship Baring 1819. Assigned servant 1825 - 1828. Occupation printer.
Page, George
Ship Susan 1834. Assigned servant in 1836
Parberry, Charles
Ship Lord Lyndoch 1833. Assigned servant in 1836
Perry, James
Ship Camden 1833. Assigned servant in April 1833
Reid, James
Ship Recovery 1836. Assigned servant in 1836
Rothwell, Henry
Ship Norfolk 1829. Groom from Bolton, Liverpool. Assigned servant in August 1829
Russell, John
Ship Eliza 1827. Assigned servant in 1828. Executed for his part in the Myall Creek Massacre in 1838
Sadler, John
Ship Asia 1822. Occupation fencer. Absconded in July 1825
Salt, Clement
Ship Westmoreland 1835. Assigned servant in 1836
Sampson, William
Ship Heber. Assigned servant in 1837
Shaw, Lachlan
Ship England 1826. Weaver from Paisley. Assigned servant in 1828
Smith, Henry
Ship Waterloo 1829. Errand boy from London. Absconded in March 1842
Smith, James
Ship Albion 1827. Absconded in October 1848
Smyth, John
Ship Waterloo 1836. Assigned servant in 1836
Sullivan, Jeremiah
Ship Java 1833. Errand boy from Cork. Absconded in April 1841
Sullivan, Joseph
Ship Portland 1833. painter and glazier from Tipperary. Convicted of bushranging in 1834
Urquhart, Kenneth
Came free. Emigrant per James Moran in 1839
Vollance, John
Ship Adamant 1821. Assigned servant in 1828
Warren, William
Ship Bussorah Merchant 1828. Labourer from London. Assigned servant in 1828
Webb, John
Ship Surry 1834. Assigned servant in 1836
Webb, Samuel
Ship Neptune 1818. Assigned servant in 1825
White, John
Ship Asia 1828. Assigned servant in 1828
Williams, Thomas
Ship Canada 1819. Assigned servant in 1828
Wright, George
Ship Lord Sidmouth 1819. Nailer from Gloucestershire. Absconded in October 1848
Young, George
Ship Prince Regent 1820. Assigned servant in 1828