Hunter Valley Settlers
Names and Estates Index
Read 'Early Settler Introduction' or Select from the Links below to find Settlers who took up land in the early days of the colony.
The bracket letters shown against some of the names refer to (a) grants ordered by Governor Macquarie and (b) grants ordered by Governor Brisbane from 19th May 1825 to the end of his government in November 1825. Many of these grants were however already in possession and occupation of the persons to whom they were assigned. Transferee usually refers to the person who acquired the land next. Grant numbers below are from The Genesis of Rural Settlement on the Hunter. For more information refer to the map.
Some of the information below has been sourced from 1828 Dangar Index and Map of the River Hunter and The Genesis of Rural Settlement on the Hunter as well as Trove. Please check original Sources. More information about most of the settlers can be found by using the search box on the right
Hunter Valley Map

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Abbey Green - estate of George LoderAberglasslyn Estate of Henry Dixon Owen
Adair, George Arrived on the Nassau in 1825. Granted 1600 acres 20 June 1825. Estate Cardoness
Adair, James Arrived on the Magnet in 1827. Granted 1280 acres of land in 1827. Estate Creebank
Adair, Rev. John Arrived on the William Young in 1829. Granted 640 acres in 1829 Upper Williams district
Adair, Samuel Lennox Granted 640 acres 29 October 1829
Addison, Thomas One of the original settlers at Patterson's Plains. Retained his land on lease for 7 yrs from July 1824 to the receipt of 190 acres elsewhere and compensation for improvements.
Ahalton Farm Farm of James McClymont
Airlie - Rawdon Vale - Gloucester region. Owned by A. T. Lawrie
Albion Farm Farm of John Tucker
Allen, John Arrived on the General Hewitt in 1814. Chief Constable at Wallis Plains in 1823. Granted 150 acres of land. Died in 1838
Allman, Francis No. 197. Grant of 3200 acres. 23 March 1825. Estate Overton
Allman, Francis Of Clarencetown
Anambah Estate of George Cobb
Anderson, Alexander No. 192. Grant of 1000 acres 9 February 1825. Arrived in Australia as First Officer on the convict ship Grenada in 1819. Died in 1882
Anley, Ferdinand Arrived on the Calista in April 1828. Granted 1280 acres in 1828 in Co. Durham and another 2560 acres in 1829. Died in July 1837. Estate Mountjoye
Archerfield - estate of George Bowman
Arden Hall Estate of John Dow
Arndell, James No. 170a. Grant of 100 acres 19 October 1824. Born at Caddai in 1802, son of Surgeon Thomas Arndell
Arndell, Thomas No. 155. Grant of 300 acres 26 August 1824 at the junction of Greig's Creek with the Hunter River. Son of Surgeon Thomas Arndell
Arnold, William Munnings - Estate Stradbroke at Woodville
Arrowfield - Estate of George Bowman
Arthur, Alexander No. 92. Grant of 100 acres 28 October 1823. Former Private, Royal Veteran Company
Ash Island Estate of Alexander Walker Scott
A. A. Company Granted of 2000 acres at Newcastle
Baerami - Muswellbrook district. Estate of Emmanuel Hungerford and afterwards Thomas HungerfordBallickera - Port Stephens. Estate of William Caswell
Balmoral - Muswellbrook district. Estate of Sir Francis Forbes and afterwards William Bowman
Baker, William Sergeant of Royal Veteran Company. No. 24. 300 acres 1821
Barker, William No. 137. Granted 300 acres 22 June 1824. Transferee Robert Coulson
Baroona - house build on part of the Castle Forbes estate by John Larnach
Barraba - Ellalong. Grant to William Carter 1830 and afterwards estate of George Thomas Palmer
Bartie, Thomas Granted 2560 acres on 26 February 1831 at Hinton known as Rosebank.
Baxter, Alexander MacDuff Granted 2560 acres on 10 October 1827
Bayless, Joshua or Joseph No. 94. Granted 100 acres 28 October 1823
Bebeah - estate established by Alexander Munro near Singleton
Bell, Archibald junior (b) No. 232. 1000 acres on 12 November 1825
Bell, John No. 188. Granted 1200 acres 15 January 1825. Transferee D. C. F. Scott
Bell, William Simms No. 212. Granted 1000 acres 14 July 1825
Belltrees 2560 grant to Hamilton Sempill later acquired by William Charles Wentworth and in 1853 purchased by the White family
Bellevue Estate of William Evans
Bengalla Estate of Samuel Wright
Beresfield Estate of William Cummings
Berry Park Estate of John Eales
Bettington, James Brindley Estate Martindale
Bettington, John Henshall
Bettington, Joseph Horton
Beveridge, Adam No. 158. Granted 850 acres 26 August 1824. Transferee R. Windeyer. Arrived free on the Amity in 1824. He resided in Tasmania and did not occupy this land which was acquired by Richard Windeyer in 1830s
Beveridge, John No. 207. Granted 600 acres 16 May 1825. Transferee John Cobb. Master of the vessels Midas and St. Michael
Bickham - Grant to John Johnson Cory near Murrurundi
Bigge, Joseph No. 157. Granted 100 acres 26 August 1824. In river bend SW of 12. Came free on the Heroine in 1822
Biggin, Andrew (a) No. 13. Granted 60 acres 31 March 1821. Transferee Henry Nowland
Biggin, Thomas (a) No. 14. Granted 60 acres 31 March 1821. Transferee Henry Nowland
Binder, Richard No. 231. Granted 100 acres 9 November 1825. Transferee John Tucker jun., adjoining 60 acres. Owner of the Australian Inn at Newcastle
Bingle, John Estate Puen Buen
Bingleburra - East Gresford. Alexander Park
Black, James Estate St. Clair
Blackburn, Benjamin No. 2. Grant of 400 acres 21 February 1821. Transferee Thomas Blackburn
Blaxland, George No. 169. Granted 500 acres 19 October 1824. Estate Wollun
Blaxland, John No. 170a. Granted 6760 acres 10 October 1824. In two portions
Blaxland, John jun., (b) No. 170. Granted 500 acres 19 October 1824
Bloomfield Estate - A grant to Thomas Haydon, Murrurundi district
Bloomfield, Thomas Valentine No. 53. Grant of 2000 acres 2 December 1822. Estate Dagworth
Boardman, Thomas Arrived on the General Hewitt in 1814. On return of land cleared and other improvements made by settlers on Hunter's River and Patterson's River in 1823
Bolwarra Estate of Richard Jones
Bona Vista Estate of James Phillips
Boucher, Frederick No. 178. Granted 800 acres in1824. Transferee John M. Blaxland
Boughton, John Herring No. 48. Granted 2000 12 October 1822. In two portions. Estate Tillimby
Bowman, George No. 150. Granted 1130 acres 4 August 1824. In two portions
Bowman, James No. 135. Granted 12160 acres 4 June 1824. In three portions. Ravensworth
Bowthorne Estate of Alexander Livingstone
Boydell, Charles Estate Camyr Allyn
Brabyn, Captain John No. 134. Granted 800 acres 4 June 1824. Transferee Poignard and Marsden
Bradridge, William No. 156. Grant of 500 acres 26 August 1824. Transferee J. Sparke
Brandon - a grant to Alexander Warren. Acquired by John Wighton and after his death in 1836 re-purchased by Alexander Warren
Brice, Matthew No. 144. Grant of 600 acres 5 July 1824
Briggs, Henry No. 176. Grant of 800 acres 15 December 1824
Brindley Park - Merriwa. Acquired by James Brindley Bettington
Brisbanefield Estate of James Kelly
Brisbane Grove Estate of George Williams
Brodie, Peter - Estate Glen Alvon, Murrurundi district
Brookfield - Estate of Major Charles Smeathman
Brooks, George No. 172a. Grant of 2320 acres 2 November 1824
Brooks, William No. 57. Granted 640 acres 28 January 1823
Broomfield Estate of James White
Brown, Crawford Logan Cairnsmore estate. Granted 1280 acres at Dungog, promised by Sir Ralph Darling on 2 May 1829
Brown, David sen., (a) No. 20. 31 March 1821. Granted 350 acres
Brown, David jun., No. 139. 22 June 1824. Granted 150 acres
Brown, John (a) No. 19. 31 March 1821. Granted 60 acres
Brown, John No. 54. Bulwarra. 4 December 1822. Granted 2030 acres
Brown, Thomas No. 138. Granted 150 acres 22 June 1824; 300 acres 29 July 1824
Buchanan, William William Buchanan arrived on the Mangles in 1822. Received a grant of 1000 acres in June 1824
Bucknell, William Land grant. 2560 acres. Promised by Gov. Darling 26 January 1827. Possession authorised 4th March 1830. Paterson River. Estate Elmshall
Bundarraga - Denman. Acquired by Archibald Bell jun.,
Bunker, Ebenezer (a) No. 15. Granted 600 acres 31 March 1821. Transferee George Bowman
Burnsides, Ambrose No. 92. Granted 100 acres 28 October 1823. Formerly of the Royal Veteran Company
Burroull - Seaham. Grant to Adam Smyth. Afterwards acquired by George Mosman
Busby, James sen., No. 125. 2000 acres 8 May 1824. Transferee John Busby
Byora Estate - Wollombi district. Owned by David Ambrose Milson
Caergwrle - Allynbrook. Estate of William Barker BoydellCahill, John Joseph Weller of Sussex Street, Sydney; Claim to grant of 38 acres promised by Lachlan Macquarie to John Cahill
Cairnmore Estate of Crawford Logan Brown
Cameron, Charles Arrived in Australia in May 1822 in command of a detachment of 3rd Regt, Guard on the convict ship Phoenix
Cameron, Hugh Arrived on the Triton in 1827. Granted 1280 acres of land 18 October 1828
Campbell, Alexander - Glenrock on the Barnard River
Campbell, David No. 183. Granted 2560 acres
Camyr Allyn Estate of Charles Boydell
Cangon - Dungog. Estate of D. F. Mackay and J. Hooke
Cann, James No. 127. Granted 60 acres 27 May 1824. Transferee William Cann
Canningalla Estate of James Dowling
Cardoness - Estate of George Adair and James Adair
Carlyle, William Bell No. 34. Granted 2000 acres 30 April 1822. Estate Invermein
Carmichael, Rev. Henry - acquired Porphyry Point
Carrowbrook - established by James Busby near Singleton
Carter, William No. 174. Granted 3030 acres 8 November 1824. In 2 portions. Transferee part J. B. Bettington, part purchase. Arrived on the Prince Regent in 1824
Castle Forbes Estate of James Mudie
Caswell, William Estate Ballickera
Cavenagh, George (b) No. 220. Granted 1000 acres 26 August 1825. Transferee Samuel Wright
Chapman, John No. 112. Granted 60 acres 9 January 1824. Transferee Mary Cann
Chapman, Matthew The Grange
Charlton, William No. 95. Granted 100 acres 28 October 1823. Formerly of the Royal Veteran Company. Arrived on the Neptune in 1790
Cheshunt Estate of William Bell Sims
Clarkson, Thomas No. 179. Granted 1200 acres in 1824. Transferee Robert Lethbridge
Clarenden Park and Cintra Estates of Susannah Matilda Ward
Clayton, William (b) No. 209. Granted 40 acres 1 June 1825. Bend of river, NW of 216 Transferee Peter McIntyre. William Clayton arrived on the General Stewart in 1818
Clifford - estate of Samuel Dight near Warkworth
Close, Edward C No. 50. Granted 2300 acres 2 November 1822. In 3 portions
Cobb, George No. 47. Granted 2100 acres 9 October 1822. Anambah
Cobb, James No. 11. Granted 600 acres 31 March 1821. Transferee Cobb, Mansfield and Cobb
Cobb, John No. 89. Granted 2000 acres 9 October 1823
Corinda Estate of Archibald Bell
Cory, Edward Gostwyck No. 84. Granted 2030 acres 18 September 1823. Estate Gostwyck
Cory, Gilbert Estate Vacy
Cory, John No. 111. Granted 1200 acres 9 January 1824. In two portions
Coryvale Estate of John Cory
Coulson, Henry No. 159. Granted 1400 acres 26 August 1824. Two portions. Transferee Thomas Coulson 1000 acres on east
Coulson, Richard No. 194. Granted 600 acres 21 February 1825. Transferee T. O'Sullivan Green
Coulson, Thomas No. 193. Granted 2000 acres 17 February 1825. Transferee Jane Coulson
Cox, William senr., No. 202. Granted 2560 acres 3 May 1825. 4000 by order
Cox, Lieut. William No. 264. Granted 1280 acres 23 June 1825. 4000 by order
Coxen, Stephen Estate Yarundi
Cracknell, James No. 250. Granted 100 acres 18 November 1825. Transferee J. Sparke
Crawford, Robert No. 272. Granted 3000 acres 21 November 1825. Transferee Marg. Campbell
Crawford, Thomas (b) No. 228. Granted 5000 acres 7 November 1825. Transferee Marg. Campbell
Cressfield Estate of Archibald Little. In 1875 Cressfield was sold to David and George Hall. In 1917 the original homestead was demolished and the stone from the house was used to erect a garden wall to surround the newly built Cressfield House.
Cummings, William No. 51. Granted 1000 acres 19 November 1822
Cunningham, Peter No. 195. Granted 2200 acres 11 March 1825. In 2 portions. Estate Dalswinton
Dale, Henry No. 222. Granted 500 acres 19 September 1825. Transferee W. J. DumaresqDalkeith - Cassilis. A grant to Donald McIntyre. Acquired by William and Alexander Busby
Dalswinton Estate of Peter Cunningham
Dalwood Estate of George Wyndham
Dangar, Henry (a) Nos. 4 and 21. Granted 700 acres 6 September 1821; and 300 acres 16 May 1825. Estate Neotsfield
Dangar, Henry No. 263. Granted 1300 acres 13 March 1825 (?). Transferee Peter McIntyre 800 acres
Dangar, William No. 185. Granted 1800 acres 16 May 1825. Purchase
Dargon, Thomas (a) Granted 100 acres adjoining No.116
Dartbrook - A grant to George Hall in 1822. The Hall family also acquired other land in the district
Davis, Benjamin
Davis, John Martin
Dawson, Robert
Dent, Thomas No. 153. Granted 100 acres 19 August 1824
Dight, John sen., (a) No. 8. Granted 850 acres of land 31 March 1821. In two portions
Dight, John, George, Samuel
Dillon, Luke No. 9. Granted 300 acres 31 March 1821
Dillon, Robert Corum (a) No. 10. Granted 600 acres 31 March 1821
Dines, Richard - estate Hambleton Hill
Dingadee - Estate of Lawrence Myles
Dixon, Andrew No. 28. Granted 1600 acres 5 February 1822. Arrived per ship Skelton in 1823
Docker, Joseph - Arrived on immigrant ship David Scott in 1834
Dodds, James No. 123. Granted 1070 acres 24 April 1824. Transferee John Brown
Doribank - Williams River. Archibald McLeod
Dow, John - Arrived on the ship Warrior in 1830
Dowling, James - Arrived on the ship Hooghley in 1828
Doyle, Andrew No. 269. Granted 640 acres 16 May 1825
Doyle, Cyrus Matthew (b) No. 206. Granted 860 acres 13 May 1825. In two portions
Doyle, Edward No. 154. Granted 120 acres 20 August 1824. Transferee Henry Nowland
Doyle, James (b) No. 256. Granted 790 acres 27 November 1825. In two portions
Doyle, John (b) No. 255. Granted 150 acres 25 November 1825. Transferee Samuel Bayliss
Drew, Samuel (b) Granted 600 acres
Duckinfield House John Eales
Duck River Farm Farm of Francis Moran
Duff, Peter . Granted 100 acres 28 October 1823. Soldier. Arrived on the ship Speke in 1808
Duguid, Leslie No. 52. Granted 2000 acres 29 November 1822. Estate Lochinvar. Arrived per ship William Shand in 1822
Dulwich Estate of James Glennie
Dumaresq Col. Henry No. 184. Granted 2560 acres. Estate St. Hiliers. 8000 acres reserved in several portions for purchase
Dumaresq, Capt. William
Dun, William No. 26. Granted 1300 31 December 1821. Arrived free per ship Mariner in 1821
Duninald Estate of William Dun
Dunlop, David - Estate Mulla Villa, Wollombi district
Dunmore Estate of Andrew Lang
Dwyer, Anthony Macquarie Farm
Eagar, Francis (a) No. 4. Granted 300 acres 31 March 1821Eagleton - a grant to Col. Kenneth Snodgrass
Eales, John No. 86. Granted 2100 acres 7 October 1823. Arrived in VDL on the brig Francis in 1823
Earle, John No. 80. Granted 1500 acres 5 July 1823. Arrived on the ship Thalia in 1823
Eckford, Henry Sen., (b) No. 214. Granted 100 acres 15 August 1825
Eckford, Henry Jun., (b) No. 215. Granted 100 acres 15 August 1825
Eckford, John No. 216. Granted 100 acres 15 August 1825
Eckford, William
Edinglassie Estate of George Forbes
Eelah - also Hunter's Hill. A grant to Timothy Nowlan
Elm's Hall - Vacy. William Bucknell
Elmswood - Situated near Gundy Gundy. John Stewart granted this land in 1824
Eskdale - Seaham. Walter Scott
Evans, William No. 259. Granted 1070 acres 30 November 1825. Arrived on the ship Indispensable in 1809
Eyeball Reach Farm of William Peppercorn
Fennell, Mary Ann Map 9Field, James No. 128. Granted 240 acres 27 Ma 1824. Transferee W. Bowden
Field, John
Heneage Finch - Surveyor of Great Northern Road. Laguna Estate, Wollombi district. 1000 acres promised by Gov. Brisbane 19th November 1825 to. Later owned by Richard Wiseman (1834) and Thomas Wiseman (1838)
Fisher, William (b) No. 235. Granted 1500 acres 12 November 1825. Transferee James Hawthorne. William Fisher arrived on the ship Triton in 1825
Fonthill - Granted to James McGillivray. Afterwards acquaried by Emanuel Hungerford
Forbes, Duncan No. 204. Granted 1000 acres 12 May 1825. Transferee Jane E. Forbes
Forbes, Sir Francis No. 256. Granted 2560 acres. Area increased by purchase. Chief Justice of NSW. Arrived per ship Guildford in 1824
Forbes, George No. 163. Granted 6000 acres 1 September 1824. Incl. 4000 acres purchase. Arrived per ship Guildford in 1824
Forster, William Twiss - Mulconda estate. Bandon Grove district
Fotheringaye - Clarencetown district. Estate of John Joseph Therry and afterwards J. Holmes
Frankland, George Jackson No. 82. Granted 2080 25 August 1825. Estate The Vineyard. Master of the ship Anne. Arr. VDL in 1823. Died 1 Dec. 1825
Gaggin, John (b) No. 252. Granted 2000 acres 21 November 1825. Transferee Charles Throsby. Arrived per ship Globe in 1819Gardener, Peter (b) Granted 500 acres 19 July 1825 (?). On Wollombi Brook
Gibbes, Lieut. Francis Blower No. 47a. Granted 500 acres. Transferee S. M. Ward. Arrived on the ship Hugh Crawford in 1825
Gibbes, Lieut. Francis Blower No. 199. Granted 2000 acres 13 April 1825. Transferees F. Little and W. B. Carlisle
Gill, Thomas Arrived on ship Royal George in 1821. Granted 640 acres in 1825. He selected this land on the Williams River
Glen Alvon - Estate of Peter Brodie near Murrurundi
Glendon Estate of Robert and Helenus Scott
Glen Livett - Port Stephens district - a grant to William Fisher in 1825
Glennie, James No. 160. Granted 2080 acres 20 August 1824. In two portions. Arrived as a free settler per ship Guildford in 1824
Glenrock - Barnard River. Estate of Alexander Campbell who arrived on the Hugh Crawford in 1825
Goldingham, Nathaniel No. 72. Granted 500 acres 7 May 1823. Transferee Houston Mitchell. Nathaniel Goldingham arrived on ship Angerstein in 1823
Gooch, Henry Arrived on the ship Orissa in 1836
Goodall, William No. 97. Granted 100 acres 28 October 1823.
Goorangula Estate of Robert Dawson
Gostwyck Estate of Edward Cory
Goulburn Grove Estate of Standish Lawrence Harris
Graham, George Thomas Arrived on the ship Marquis of Anglesea in 1827. Granted 640 acres of land by Governor Darling on 14 December 1827
Great Lodge Estate of Richard Hobden
Green Hills Estate of E. C. Close
Greenway, Francis Howard. (a) No. 25. Granted 800 acres 30 November 1821. Colonial Architect
Greenwood Estate - Map 4 Estate of George Boyle White
Greig, James No. 166. Granted 500 acres 22 September 1824. Possessed over 2000 pounds of capital. Eventually settled below the junction of the Hunter and Goulburn Rivers on a stream that was called Greig's Creek better known as Martindale or Bureen Creek. Called his farm Craytonshaw at first and then Hillend. Towards the end of 1825 blacks murdered his cousin Robert Greig and an unknown shepherd during his absence in Sydney
Griffin, Michael No. 98. Granted 100 acres 28 October 1823. Transferee John Macdonald. At Warkworth. Michael Griffin formerly of the Royal Veteran Company
Griffiths, James Granted 200 acres in 1823 Adj. to 50 on west
Hale, James Estate WamboHall, George No. 147. Granted 3250 acres 15 July 1824. Estate Dartbrook in two portions
Hall, James (b) No. 246. Granted 90 acres 15 November 1825. Adjoning and N. of 147
Hall, John (b) No. 244. Granted 150 acres 15 November 1825. Adjoining and N. of 147
Hall, Thomas (b) No. 243. Granted 150 acres 15 November 1825. Adjoining and N. of 147
Hall, William (b) No. 245. Granted 100 acres 15 November 1825. Adjoining and N. of 147
Halloran, Lawrence (a) No. 5. Granted 300 acres 31 March 1821. Transferee John Cuneene
Hambleton Hill - Singleton - estate of Richard Dines
Harben Vale - near Blandford. Acquired by William Warland
Harper, William No. 1. Granted 2000 acres 1 September 1820
Harris, James No. 99. Granted 100 acres 28 October 1823
Harrington, Edward No. 100. Granted 100 acres 28 October 1823. Transferee John Cobcroft
Harris, Standish Lawrence No. 55. Granted 3000 acres 17 December 1822. Phoenix Park in two portions incl. purchase
Hartley, Grayson - Arrived on the ship Medway in 1829
Hawes, Henry No. 35. Granted 2000 acres 7 May 1822. Transferee T.W.M. Winder
Heffron, John No. 101. Granted 100 acres 28 October 1823. Transferee John Cobcroft
Henderson, Michael - Roslyn Farm at Raymond Terrace. 1280 acre farm at Williams River. Estate Kimmergahn
Hickey, William No. 30. Granted 660 acres 20 April 1822
Hicks, Lieut. William No. 62. Granted 1120 acres 27 February 1120. Estate Melville. Arrived per ship Admiral Cockburn in 1822
Hill, Rev. Richard (b) No. 224. Granted 2000 acres 6 October 1825. In two portions. Estate Mibrodale. Arrived per ship Hibernia in 1819
Hillsborough Estate of Beresford Hudson
Hindston, Matthew No. 122. Granted 2000 acres 20 April 1824
Hobden, Richard No. 145. Granted 620 acres 2 June 1824. In two portions. Arrived free per ship Earl Spencer in 1813
Hoddle, Robert No. 177. Granted 1000 acres 28 December 1824. Arrived per ship William Penn in 1823
Hollydene - Clarencetown district. Samuel Walters
Homebush Estate Estate of John Field
Hooke, John Estates Kinghome and Bonago. Arr. brig Ann to VDL 1823; Arr. ship Courier to NSW in 1828
Hoskings, John
Howe, John No. 3. Granted 700 acres 21 March 1821. Came free per ship Coromandel in 1802
Hudson, Beresford No. 79. Granted 2000 7 June 1823. Estate Donnybrook
Hudson, Beresford Hillsborough estate. Arrived per ship Andromeda in 1823
Hungerford, Emanuel - Estate known as Fonthill
Hunter's Hill Estate of Timothy Nowlan
Illalaung - Morpeth. Estate of Edward CloseInnes, William No. 56. Granted 1000 acres 30 December 1822.
Invermein Estate of Francis Little
Jackson, Major J. S No. 198. Granted 2000 acres 11 April 1825. Transferee Robert ScottJacob, Vicars No. 105. Granted 2000 acres 4 December 1823; 2000 acres 28 May 1825. Purchased. Arrived per ship Medway to VDL in 1822
James, Thomas Horton No. 148. Granted 2000 acres 22 July 1824
Jenkins, Elizabeth (a) No. 187. Granted 500 acres 31 March 1821. In 1819 Sarah and Elizabeth Jenkins were permitted by Lord Bathurst, Secretary of State for the Colonies, to proceed to NSW as settlers. They sailed on the Midas, owned and commanded by Joseph Underwood, and reached Sydney on February 14 1821. In the following month orders for grants were issued and they selected land on a tributary of the Hunter, afterwards nmaed Muscle Brook. Their grants were situaged about three miles east from the town of Musclebrook. Campbell JF (1926). The Genesis of Rural Settlement on the Hunter.
Jenkins, Sarah (a) No. 186. Granted 500 acres 31 March 1821
Johnstone, Abraham (b) No. 236. Granted 300 acres 12 November 1825. Transferee John Johnstone
Johnstone, Andrew No. 108a. Granted 630 acres 15 May 1824. Transferee George Bowman
Johnstone, John No. 108. Granted 940 acres 18 December 1823. Transferee part J. Wiseman
Jones, Richard - Arrived free per ship Minerva in 1821
Kaluda - Lochinvar - a grant to Leslie DuguidKayuga Estate of Donald McIntyre
Kealy, Edward - Summerhill estate. Paterson
Kelly, James sen., No. 109. Granted 300 acres 18 December 1823
Kelly, James jun., No. 110. Granted 300 acres 18 December 1823. Transferee J. T. Hughes
Kelly, Richard No. 110a. Granted 300 acres 18 December 1823. Transferee Samuel Furneaux Mann
Kelman, William Dalrymple Kirkton Estate
Kelvinside - Originally part of the Segenhoe estate of Thomas Potter Macqueen. Acquired by J. K. Fleming in 1898
Kennington Estate of William Peppercorn
Kimmerghan - near Raymond Terrace, estate acquired by Michael Henderson
King, Lieut. Edward No. 203. Granted 2000 acres 10 May 1825
Kinross - a grant to George Thomas Graham. Afterwards purchased by Archibald Windeyer
Kirkton William Kelman's Estate
Laguna Estate - Wollombi district. 1000 acres promised by Gov. Brisbane 19th November 1825 to Heneage Finch. Later owned by Richard Wiseman (1834) and Thomas Wiseman (1838)Lamb, Edward No. 146. Granted 300 acres 7 july 1824. Transferree J. T. Hughes
Lamb, James Thomas. Arrived per ship Nimrod in 1827
Lang, Andrew - Dunmore estate. Arrived per ship Greenock in 1823
Lang, George No. 31. Granted 1050 acres 20 April 1822. Estate Dunmore. Arrived per ship Brixton in 1821. Died 18 January 1825
Lang, Richard No. 164. Granted 500 acres 1 September 1824. Transferee J. Taggart
Larnach, John Rosemount estate. Arrived on the ship Andromeda in 1823
Lee, John No. 102. Granted 100 acres 28 October 1823. Adj. 94
Leigh Farm - Raymond Terrace. Acquired by Joseph Pennington
Lennoxton Estate of James Adair
Lethbridge Robert - Arrived per ship Grace 1821; Arrived per ship Lusitania in 1823
Lewinsbrook Estate of Alexander Park
Lindeman, Henry John - Arrived per barque Theresa in 1840
Little, Archibald - Arrived per ship Triton in 1825
Little, Francis No. 66. Granted 2000 acres 30 April 1823. Arrived per ship Morley in 1823
Livingstone, Alexander No. 107. Granted 1075 acres 4 December 1823; Granted 500 acres 16 May 1825. Purchase. Arrived per ship Jessie in 1821
Livingstone, J (b) No. 257. Granted 300 acres 25 November 1825
Llangollan - Merriwa, estate of Thomas Arnold
Lochend Estate of William Brooks
Lochinvar Estate of Leslie Duguid
Loder, Andrew (a) No. 182. Granted 100 acres. Adj. 181 on East, Transferee M. W. Lewis
Loder, George sen., No. 116. Granted 150 acres 30 January 1824
Loder, George (a) No. 181. Granted 200 acres. Transferee Mary Dargin and Thomas Arndell
Longford, William (b) No. 237. Granted 600 acres 12 November 1825. Transferee Duguid and Brown
Lord, John Underbank estate. Arrived per ship Marquis of Lansdowne in 1827
Lorn Estate of Thomas McDougall
Louth Park - a grant to John Thomas Maughan
Lucan Park Estate of Cyrus Matthew Doyle
Luskintyre Estate of Alexander McLeod
Lymington - Cardiff district. Grant to Jonathan Warner
Lyne, Kerry No. 261. Granted 50 acres in 1825. Not shown on map
Lyndhurst Vale Estate of John Verge
Macdonald, John No. 205. Granted 1550 acres 12 May 1825. In two portionsMackay, Duncan Forbes Melbee. Arrived per ship Orpheus in 1826
MacLean, William - Arrived per ship Mary Hope in 1828
Macqueen, Thomas Potter No. 201. Grantd 10,000 acres 30 April 1825. Estate Segenhoe. Arrived in VDL per ship Bardaster in 1834
Malcolm, John No. 65. Granted 2050 acres 15 April 1823
Maloney, Patrick
Mann, John
Marsden, Samuel (b) No. 240. Granted 600 acres 14 November 1825
Marshall, Sampson - Arrived per ship David Scott in 1834
Marsheen Estate of William Buchanan
Martindale James Brindley Bettington and John Henshall Bettington
Martyn, Richard (b) No. 226. Granted 80 acres 4 November 1825. Adj. 216 on west
Maryville - Allynbook. Owned by Charles Boydell
Maughan, John Thomas No. 41. Granted 1230 acres on 15 August 1822. Arrived VDL on ship Westmoreland in 1821
Maybury, William No. 253. Granted 100 acres 24 November 1825. Transferee J. Sparke
Maziere, David No. 27. Granted 2000 acres 12 March 1820; No. 268. Granted 746 acres 14 November 1825. Arrived per ship Skelton in 1823
McClymont, James No. 85. Granted 2000 acres 23 September 1823. Arrived per ship Andromeda 1822
McDougall, Alexander No. 77. Granged 900 acres 13 May 1823
McDougall, Andrew No. 73. Granted 900 acres 13 May 1823
McDougall, James No. 76. Granted 900 acres 13 May 1823
McDougall, John No. 74. Granted 900 acres 13 May 1823
McDougall, Thomas No. 75. Granted 900 acres 13 May 1823. Estate Lorn. Arrived on the ship Barwell in 1798
McGarvie, Rev. John - Arrived per ship Greenock in 1826
McGillivray, James - Arrived VDL per ship Deveron in 1822; arrived NSW per ship Alexander Shand in 1823
McGillivray, T. L No. 104. Granted 2000 acres 21 November 1823. Estate Lochdon. Transferee Emanuel Hungerford
McIntyre, Donald No. 200. Granted 2000 acres 20 April 1825. Arrived per ship City of Edinburgh in 1827
McIntyre, John
McIntyre, Peter No. 263. Granted 800 acres. Arrived per ship Hugh Crawford in 1825
McIntyre, Peter
McLeod, Alexander No. 64. Granted 2000 acres 25 March 1823. Estate Luskintyre
McLeod, Alexander No. 167. Granted 1600 acres 28 September 1824. Estate Rattagan
McLeod, Donald, M.D No. 44. Granted 1000 acres 8 September 1822. 2000 acres reserved
McLeod, Gilbert No. 118. Granted 100 acres 17 February 1824
Mein, James No. 124. Granted 640 acres 28 April 1824. Arrived free per ship Coromandel in 1802
Melbee Estate of Duncan Forbes Mackay
Melville Estate of William Hicks
Merritt, William (b) No. 260. Granted 2000 acres in 1825. Transferee E. Sparke
Merton Estate of William Ogilvie. Afterwards acquired by the White family
Milbrodale Estate of Rev. Richard Hill
Milgarra - Upper Hunter. Acquired by Archibald Bell
Middleton, Rev. George A. - Arrived per ship Prince Regent in 1820
Mill Paddock John Laurio Platt
Millers Forest Estate of Vicars Jacob
Mills, George Galway No. 168. Granted 2000 acres 15 October 1824. Transferee G. T. Loder. Arrived on the ship Lang in 1824
Mills, George Galway No. 266. Granted 2000 acres 16 May 1825. Transferee C.W. Carter
Mills, George Galway No. 266a. Granted 2000 acres. Transferee E. W. Cameron
Milson, David Ambrose - Byora Estate, Wollombi district
Mindabribba - known as Bellevue, the estate of William Evans
Minimbah John Cobb
Mitchell, George Pittance farm
Mitchell, James No. 40. Granted 4230 acres 15 August 1822. In 2 portions incl purchase. Arrived per ship John Barry in 1821
Moran, Francis No. 36. Granted 1000 acres 25 May 1822. Transferee H. Osburne. Arrived per ship Mary Anne in 1822
Morgan, Molly - Arrived per ship Neptune in 1790
Mosman, Archibald Arrived per ship Civilian in 1829
Mosman, George Estate Birroull. Arrived per ship Civilian in 1829
Mountjoye Estate of Ferdinand Anley
Mowbray - also Vineyard Cottage, Vacy district. Granted to George Jackson Frankland
Mt. Wingen Map 9
Mudie, James No. 38. Granted 4150 acres 3 August 1822. In two portions incl. purchase. Estate Castle Forbes. Arrived per ship Asia in 1822
Muir, George Arrived on the Jupiter in 1823. Chief Constable
Mulconda - Bandon Grove district. Estate of William Twiss Forster
Mulla Villa - Wollombi district. Estate of David Dunlop, magistrate and Protector of aborigines for Wollombi
Munni - Estate of John Mann
Myles, Lawrence Arrived on the Adams in 1828. Estate Dingadee
Negoa Estate of William CoxNewington - a grant to John Rotton
Newton, Jacob No. 103. Granted 1200 acres 6 November 1823. Arrived per ship Andromeda 1823
Noble, William No. 152. Granted 300 acres 9 August 1824
Norwood Estate of Francis Blower Gibbes
Nowlan, Timothy (b) No. 210. Granted 2000 acres 2 June 1825. 3800 acres reserved. Arrived per ship Mangles in 1822
Nowland, Edward No. 131. Granted 160 acres 27 May 1824. Transferee Henry Nowland
Nowland, Henry No. 129. Granted 160 acres 27 May 1824. Transferee Henry Nowland
Nowland, Michael No. 132. Granted 160 acres 27 May 1824. Transferee William Nowland
Nowland, William No. 130. Granted 160 acres 27 May 1824. Transferee Henry Nowland
Nulla Nulla - near Hinton. Crawford Logan Brown
Oakhampton Estate of Robert LethbridgeOakey, John Granted 160 acres. Village of Douribang. Occupation
O'Donnell, William Arrived on the Surprize in 1790
Ogilvie, William No. 267. Granted 6000 acres 7 April 1825. In several portions, incl purchase. Estate of Merton. Arrived per ship Grenada in 1825
Onus, Joseph No. 225. Granted 1550 acres 12 August 1825. In two portions. Arrived per ship Glatton in 1803
Orr, James No. 213. Granted 1000 acres 19 July 1825. Transferee Miss E. S. McLeay
Osterley Map 2. Farm of Edwin Hickey
Overton Estate of Francis Allman. Later acquaried by John McDougall (1833)
Owen, Henry Dixon No. 37. Granted 1100 acres 3 July 1822. Plus 300 acre purchase. Arrived per ship Mariner in 1821
Owen, John No. 49. Granted 2000 acres 1 November 1822. Transferee George S. Rutherford
Palmer, George Thomas Estate BarrabaPalmer, Lieut. John No. 83. Granted 600 acres 4 September 1823
Park, Alexander Estate Lewinsbrook. Arrived per ship Prince Regent in 1826
Parker, William (b) No. 211. Granted 1280 acres 29 June 1825.
Parmeter, Thomas (a) No. 22. Granted 700 acres 31 October 1821. In two portions. Arrived per ship Fanny in 1816
Pattimore Estate of John Cory
Pell, George Arrived on the Hillsborough in 1799
Pendergrass, John sen., No. 248. Granted 100 acres 15 November 1825
Pendergrass, John No. 247. Granted 60 acres 15 November 1825
Pendergrass, Thomas No. 238. Granted 60 acres 12 November 1825
Pennington, Joseph No. 81. Granted 1550 acres 25 July 1823. Incl pur., in serval portions. Sold by auction. Arrived per ship Heroine in 1822
Penshurst - estate of John Phillip Webber
Peppercorn, William Eyeball Reach Farm. Arrived per ship Surry in 1829
Phelps, James Christie (b) No. 241. Granted 1500 acres 14 November 1825. Transferee J. T. Hughes, two portions. Arrived per ship Speke in 1821
Phillips, Daniel (a) No. 18. Granted 100 acres 31 March 1821. Transferee P. Thorley
Phillips, James No. 45. Granted 2090 acres 9 September 1822. Estate Bona Vista. Arrived per ship Mary Ann in 1822
Phoenix Park Standish Lawrence Harris
Pike, Captain John No. 196. Granted 5100 acres 14 March 1825. Arr. per ship Boyd in 1809; arrived per ship Phoenix in 1825
Pickering - Estate of John Pike. Afterwards acquired by Archibald Bell jun.,
Piercefield William Carter and afterwards Joseph Horton Bettington
Plashett - Grant to James Robertson. Acquired by Joseph Pearse
Platt, John Laurio No. 42. Granted 2000 acres 21 August 1822. Iron Bark Hill. Arrived per ship Providence in 1822
Porter, George No. 115. Granted 2000 acres 23 January 1824. Transferee Simeon Lord. George Porter arrv. Commodore Hayes in 1823
Porphryr Point - acquired by Rev. Henry Carmichael
Powditch, William No. 143. Granted 2500 acres 17 May 1824. Transferee James Bowman in two portions. In 1825, formerly commander of the Royal George in which Sir Thomas Brisbane came to the colony
Powell, John (a) Granted 100 acres. Adj. to 26 on south. Estate Orangegrove
Pringle, Robert Estate Carrington Park. Arrived per ship Denmark Hill in 1824
Pritchett, Richard Charles No. 106. Granted 2000 acres 4 December 1823. Transferee Samuel Ashmore and others. Arrived per ship Nimrod in 1822
Puen Buen Estate of John Bingle
Pugh, John (a) No. 17. Granted 60 acres 31 March 1821. Adj. 146 on west
Radford, Henry Wyatt No. 113. Granted 2000 acres 15 Janjuary 1824. Transferees Scott, Radford and others in trust. Arrived per ship Greenock in 1824Rae, Henry (b) No. 208. Granted 560 acres 27 May 1825. Transferee J. Sparke, 2 parts. Arrived per ship Sketon in 1823
Ranclaud, James St. John Arrived on the Pyramus in 1825. Granted 2560 acres in 1829. Arrived per ship Pyramus in 1829
Rapsey, Peter (b) No. 217. Granted 600 acres 15 August 1825. Arrived per ship Medway in 1822
Rathluba - near Maitland. Estate of Francis Allman and afterwards Houston Mitchell
Rattagan Estate of Alexander McLeod
Ravensworth Estate of James Bowman. Later acquired by Major William Russell
Redbournberry - estate of John Howe
Reeves, John Arrived on the ship Albemarle in 1791
Reid, James No. 71. Granted 2000 acres 5 May 1823. Rosebrook estate. Arrived per ship Skelton in 1823
Reynolds, John (b) No. 230. Granted 100 acres 8 November 1825. Adj. to 235. Transferee J. William Russell. Arrived per ship Cormandel in 1804
Richmond Vale Estate of John Palmer
Riley, Patrick Arrived on the ship Three Bees in 1814
Ritchie, A. M. No. 173. Granted 2000 acres 4 November 1824
Robertson, James - Arrived per ship Providence in 1822
Robson, John No. 133. Granted 2000 acres 28 May 1824
Rodd, John (b) Surveyor. No. 219. Granted 1500 acres 19 August 1825. Transferee J. T. Hughes
Rodd, Robert Adamson (b) No. 175. Granted 300 acres 15 November 1824. Arrived VDL per ship Tiger in 1822
Rookin, Joseph - Arrived per ship Medway 1829
Rosebrook Estate of James Reid
Rosemount Estate of John Larnach
Roslyn Farm - Raymond Terrace. Grant to Michael Henderson
Rotton, John No. 29. Granted 1040 acres 3 April 1822. Arrived per ship Lusitania 1821
Rutherford, George Shaw - Convict ship surgeon
Saltmarsh, Richard No. 88. Granted 100 acres 8 October 1823Satur Estate of William Bell Carlyle
Scott, Alexander Walker Ash Island. Arrived per ship Australia in 1827
Scott, Ellis Martyn (b) No. 251. Granted 2000 acres 19 November 1825. Transferee J. Brown, in trust
Scott, Robert No. 32. Granted 2060 acres 24 April 1822. Glendon Estate. Arrived per ship Britomart in 1822
Scott, Helenus No. 33. Granted 2090 acres 24 April 1822. Glendon Estate. Arrived per ship Britomart in 1822
Scott, Walter No. 78. Granted 600 acres 28 May 1823. Estate Wallalong. Arrived VDL on ship Regalia in 1823
Segenhoe Estate of Thomas Potter Macqueen
Sempill, Hamilton C - Arrived per ship Warrior in 1830
Shand, Alexander No. 58. Granted 2000 acres 28 January 1823. Transferees Robert Scott and others. Arrived VDL per ship Deveron in 1822
Sherland, Thomas - former Private, Royal Veteran company. No. 91. Granted 100 acres 28 October 1823. Adjoining 94. Claim for Deed of Grant. 100 acres located on an order of Sir Thomas Brisbane dated 28 October 1823 in favour of Thomas Sherland who sold to Joseph and Benjamin Baylis, who sold to Thomas Kite, who sold to Willam Durham who sold to John Martin Davis
Shortt, Francis Arrived on the Ann in 1822
Siddons, Richard No. 161. Granted 600 acres 26 August 1824
Simpson, Percy - Cooranbong
Sinclair, Duncan No. 61. Granted 860 acres 29 January 1823. Arrived per ship Wellington in 1822
Sinclair, Peter No. 59.. Granted 1050 acres 29 January 1823. Arrived per ship Wellington in 1822
Single, John No. 249. Granted 360 acres 15 November 1825
Singleton, Benjamn (a) No. 12. Granted 240 acres 31 March 1821. Town of Singleton, 2 parts
Skellator Estate of Sir Francis Forbes
Smeathman, Major Estate Brookfield. Granted 1280 acres of land at the William River by Gov Darling on 18 February 1828, however was employed as coroner in Sydney and did not ever reside on this land. Arrived per ship Orelia in 1827
Smith, Gilbert No. 60. Granted 300 acres 29 January 1823. 48th regt., Arrived on the Minerva 1818. Storekeeper at Port Macquarie in 1828. Died in 1830
Smith, James No. 190. Granted 300 acres 1 February 1824
Smith, John No. 180. Granted 300 acres 1 February 1825. Transferee W. Smith
Smith, John No. 180a. Granted 460 acres 14 October 1825. Purchase
Smith, John Galt No. 43. Granted 2340 acres 22 August 1822. In three portions. Estate Woodville. Arrived VDL per ship Britomart in 1822
Smith, Patrick No. 87. Granted 100 acres 8 October 1823. . Former Private, Royal Veteran Company
Smith, Robert Land Grant. Parish of Lemington. 300 acres authorised by Sir Thomas Brisbane on 1st February 1825
Snellgrove, John or Josiah No. 189. Granted 600 acres 27 January 1825. Transferee John Bingle. Arrived on the Belinda from the Cape of Good Hope in November 1823
Spark, Alexander Brodie No. 67. Granted 2000 acres 2 May 1823. Arrived per ship Princess Charlotte in 1823
Sparke, Edward (b) No. 258. Granted 2000 acres 29 November 1825. Arrived per ship Aguilar in 1824
Sparke, William - Arrived per ship Aguilar in 1824
Spears, William (b) No. 254. Granted 100 acres 24 November 1825. Adjoining 242. Formerly of 73rd Regiment
St. Aubins Estate of William Dumaresq
St. Clair - James Black was granted 2560 acres of land at Falbrook near Mt. Dyrring on 21 February 1828. Later acquired by Thomas Steele
St. Heliers Estate of Henry Dumaresq
Stafford - estate of George Dight near Warkworth
Steele, Thomas St. Clair
Shaw Stewart, Major W. M No. 191. Granted 2000 acres 1 February 1825. In September 1825 - Ensign, 62nd Regiment; resident at Parramatta; landowner at Sedgefield, County of Durham.
Stephenson, George Alexander No. 119. Granted 2000 acres 6 March 1824. Transferee James Mitchell
Stewart, John - Elmswood, estate near Gundy Gundy
Stirling, Captain Robert No. 227. Granted 1000 acres 2 November 1825. Arrived per Shipley in 1822
Stradbroke - William Munnings Arnold
Stubbs, W. Thomas No. 68. Granted 1020 acres 3 May 1823
Sullivan, Benjamin Estate Thalaba. Arrived per ship Mary Hope in 1828
Summerhill - Paterson district. Estate of Edward Kealy
Swan, John Estate Lemon Grove. Arrived as a prisoner on convict ship Coromandel in 1804. Died in 1833 age 64
Tanilba - Lieut. William CaswellTerragong - Merriwa. Estate of Henry Pelerin Dutton, acquired by John Henshal Bettington
Thalaba - Estate of Benjamin Sullivan
The Grange Estate of Matthew Chapman
Thew, Joseph No. 90. Granted 1310 acres 10 October 1823. Arrived per ship Andromeda in 1823
Thomson, David No. 162. Granted 1000 26 August 1824
Thorley, Phillip (a) Granted 100 acres adj. to 181 on west
Thornwaite Estate of Joseph Docker
Thorpe, Joshua No. 121. Granted 1076 acres 29 March 1824.
Thurlow, William (b) No. 218. Granted 2000 acres 17 August 1825. Transferee Jacob Josephson
Tilligra Estate of Charles Windeyer
Tillimby Estate of John Boughton
Timor - Upper Hunter. Acquired by James White 1820s
Tocal James Phillips Webber and Caleb Wilson
Tomago Richard Windeyer
Tong, Festus Granted 500 acres 12 August 1825. Purchase
Toombimba - situated at Fullerton Cove adjoining the land of Col. Snodgrass. Major William Russell
Torrance, Hugh No. 114. Granted 2000 acres 22 January 1824. Arrived per ship Greenock in 1824
Torryburn - Allyn River. John McIntyre was granted 2,000 acres on the Allyn river which was called at the time Kinghome and later Torryburn
Townshend, George Estate Trevallyn - Arrived per ship Prince Regent in 1826
Trevallyn Estate of George Townshend
Tucker, John sen., No. 69. Granted 315 acres 5 May 1823. Transferee David Brown. Arrived per ship Active in 1791
Tucker John jun., No. 70. 315 acres granted 5 May 1823. Transferee David Brown
Turanville - Scone. Estate of William Dangar
Turnbull, No. 268a. Granted 300 acres. Transferee George Blaxland
Underbank - Estate of George and Archibald Mosman and later John LordUnderwood, Joseph No. 16. Granted 1500 acres 31 March 1821. Transferee James Mitchell. Arrived per ship Sydney Cove in 1807
Underwood, Thomas No. 141. Granted 600 acres 29 June 1824. Transferee James Mitchell
Vacy - Gilbert Cory Gilbert CoryVerge, John Architect - Arrived per ship Clarkstone in 1828
Vineyard Cottage George Jackson Frankland. Also known as Mowbray
Walker, Thomas J. P. (b) No. 221. Granted 1200 27 August 1825Wallalong Estate of Walter Scott
Wallerobba Estate of Alexander Macduff Baxter
Wambo - estate of James Hale, emancipist
Ward, Susannah Matilda No. 63. Granted 600 acres 5 March 1823. Arrived per ship Dromedary in 1820
Warland, William - Estate known as Harben Vale near Blandford
Warner, Jonathan Arrived in 1826 on the Orpheus
Warren, Alexander No. 126. Granted 2000 acres 15 May 1824. Seaham Township. Arrived per ship Greenock in 1824
Warren, Alexander Granted 4000 acres 16 May 1825. Estate Abbey Green. Transferee Archibald Mosman by purchase
Wealand, Thomas (b) No. 242. Granted 300 acres 14 November 1825
Webber, James Phillips No. 46. Granted 2020 acres 18 September 1822. Estate Penshurst. Arrived per ship Minstrel in 1822
Webber John Guygallin
Weller, Joseph Brooks No. 172. Granted 1200 acres 20 October 1824. Arrived per ship Aguilar in 1824
Weller, George
Wentworth, William Charles Windermere
White, George Boyle Surveyor. Arrived per ship Cawdry in 1826
White, James Estate Broomfield
Whitmore, Robert (b) Granted 100 acres adjacent to 60 on north. Transferee Hugh Manning. Arrived per ship Royal Admiral in 1792
Wighton, John Estate Brandon. Arrived per ship Stirling Castle in 1831
Wilson, Caleb and Felix Estate Tocal. Arrived per ship Experiment in 1804
Williams, George No. 120. Graned 500 acres 11 March 1824. Estate Brisbane Grove
Williams, Robert No. 270. Granted 1000 acres 12 August 1825. Purchase
Williams, Vincent George No. 151. Granted 60 acres 6 August 1824. Arrived per ship Broxbornebury in 1814
Wilkinson, George (b) No. 229. Granted 2000 acres 7 November 1825
Wilkinson, Rev. S. W (b) No. 223. Granted 2000 acres 7 November 1825.
Wilkinson W. B No. 39. Granted 1000 acres 14 August 1822
Winder, Thomas White Melville (a) No. 23. Granted 760 acres 31 October 1821; No. 23a Granted 2000 acres 5 August 1824, in two portions; No. 23b. Granted 1880 acres in 1825, in two portions
Windermere Thomas White Melville Winder and William Charles Wentworth
Windeyer, Archibald - arrived per ship Marquis of Anglesea in 1827
Windeyer, Charles Tillegra. Arrived per ship Sarah in 1828
Windeyer, Richard Tomago House. Arrived per ship Medway in 1835
Wirragulla (also Wirey Gully). Dungog district. John Hooke
Wollun Estate of George Blaxland
Woodlands (Wollen), Estate of James Arndell. Denman district
Woodlands Estate of Edward Sparke
Woodville Estate of John Galt Smith
Wright, Samuel Estate Bengalla. Arrived per ship Richmond in 1822
Wyndham, George Dalwood. Arrived per ship George Home in 1827. - George Wyndham's Diary
Wyndham (Miangarinda) - Merriwa. Acquired by George Wyndham in 1830s
Yarrawonga - Cassilis. Estate of George Druitt acquired in 1820sYarundi - Estate of Stephen Coxen
Yeomans, George No. 142. Granted 60 acres 3 July 1824. Transferee A. Rotton
Yeomans, John No. 165. Granted 100 acres 16 September 1824
Yeomans, Robert No. 143. Granted 60 acres 3 July 1824