Free Settler or Felon

Convict and Colonial History

White Hart Inn

Haydonton, Murrurundi

The White Hart Inn was established by Alexander Wightman at Haydonton, Murrrurundi. Alexander Wightman was the son of Caroline and Adam Stuart Wightman. Their other children were Margaret, Peter, William, Adam Stuart, John and Philip.

A Publicans' licence was granted to Alexander Wightman for the White Hart Inn between the years 1842 - 1847

In 1848 - 1853 the licence was granted to Caroline Wightman. A public Dinner to Thomas Haydon Esq., J. P., on the occasion of his leaving the district was held at the White Hart Inn in October 1853. It was attended by many of the settlers of the district and the 'worthy and excellent hostess of the White Hart' was commended for the excellent food and wine.

From 1854 Caroline Wightman's son William Wightman held the licence for the White Hart until 1858.

The old Inn was described in 1908 - The very first place ever built in the Murrurundi district was the old White Hart Hotel, now (1908) kept by Mr. M. T. Rooney. It was built in the earliest forties, but has been added to since. When the railway came through in 1868 Haydonton was made, and from the old one pub and a store stage it has progressed until it numbers about 1300 people - The Australian Star 20 July 1908

Notes and Links

Select here to read about the life of pioneer Caroline Wightman.

Death of Mrs. Thomas Haydon, daughter of Caroline and Adam Stuart Wightman - Maitland Mercury 5 October 1889