William Maclean - Settler
Map 1
The Sydney Gazette reported the arrival of William Maclean on the Mary Hope arrival in October 1828.....On Monday last arrived, from Liverpool and the Cape of Good Hope, having left the former place the 26th March and the latter the 23rd July, the ship Mary Hope, Capt. Farmer, with a cargo of merchandize. Passengers Major Sullivan, Mrs. Sullivan, and four children; Surgeon Duncan; Mr. and Mrs. McLean; Mr. D. McLean, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Bell; and three steerage passengers.Family Connections
He was mentioned in the Australian on the imminent arrival of Colonel Snodgrass - We understand that the officer who is expected out very shortly as Major of Brigade, is not Major Snodgrass, the distinguished Military Secretary at Ava, and author of a Narrative of the Burmese War, as has been supposed and as we have more than once stated, but Colonel Snodgrass, a brother of that officer's who distinguished himself during the late war, at the taking of St. Sebastian's. Two of the Colonel's brothers-in-law, Major Sullivan, an officer who lately sold out with the view of settling in New South Wales, and Mr. W. McLean, Esquire late of Paisley, arrived in the Colony with their families a few days ago per the Mary Hope. But we regret to add that the only son of the latter of those gentlemen, a very promising and accomplished young man of 17 years of age, was unfortunately seized with consumption on the passage out, and died a few hours after the ship had dropped anchor in the Cove. [1]
Settler Living Conditions
The MacLeans were visited by Sir William Edward Parry in 1831 when Parry and his party were on their way to Newcastle and attempting to cross the River to avoid swampland. On this occasion, Parry narrowly escaped bogging all of his horses on MacLean's property.Sir William Edward Parry stated 'Mr. Maclean lives in a worse hut than Mr. Graham. His wife is a sister of Colonel Kenneth Snodgrass, a woman, accustomed in Scotland I understand, to all the elegancies and comforts of life'.
Colonel Snodgrass's sister Jessie MacLean died in 1839 at Kilray, Raymond Terrace. William MacLean died at Eagleton, Raymond Terrace in October 1848 [2]
Notes and Links
Select here to read Parry's description of George Thomas Graham's dwelling.References
[1] The Australian 17 October 1828[2] Maitland Mercury 11 October 1848