Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

Database Sources

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Bracketed words are abbreviations from database

A Cargo of Women - Susannah Watson and the Convicts of the Princess Royal - Babette Smith

A Complete Parochial History of the County of Cornwall. edited by Joseph Poluse - St. Neots

A Description of Jail distemper as it appeared among Spanish prisoners - James Carmichael Smyth

A Geographical Dictionary or Gazeteer of the Australian Colonies - William Henry Wells

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A List of Officers in the Army British War Office 1821 - Google Books

A List of Officers in the Army British War Office 1824 - Google Books

A List of Officers in the Army British War Office 1837 - Google Books

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A Narrative of a Visit to the Australian Colonies - James Backhouse (Backhouse)

A New Song made in New South Wales for the Rebellion - Mackanass (New Song)

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An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, from its First Settlement, in January 1788, to August 1801: with Remarks on the Dispositions, Customs, Manners, Etc of the Native Inhabitants of that Country, London, 1802, Vol. 1 - David Collins (Collins) New South Wales, Australia, Colonial Secretary's Papers, 1788-1825 New South Wales, NSW Courts Magistrates, Newcastle Police Court: 1823-1825, 1826-1827 Convict, Criminal, Land and Wills

Annotated printed indents State Records Authority of New South Wales, Kingswood, New South Wales, Australia. (CI)

Assignment Register - Principal Superintendent of Convicts (AR)

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Australian Reminiscences and Papers of L.E. Threlkeld, Missionary to the Aborigines, 1824 - 1859., vol 2, - Niel Gunson (Threlkeld)

Baillier's Post Office Directory 1867

Bandon Grove Cemetery

Baron Charles von Hugel, New Holland Journal November 1833-October 1834, Miegunyah Press, 1994 - Dymphna Clark (trans. and ed.), (NHJ)

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Bench of Magistrate Cases 1788 - 1820

Biographical Register of the New South Wales Parliament 1856-1901 C.N. Connolly Australian National University Press, Canberra, Australia, London, UK and New York, USA 1983

Bishops Bridge Anglican Cemetery

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Blue Gum Flat to Budgewoi, ( 1963) - Charles Swancott

Blue Mountains to Bridgetown, The Life and journeys of Barrallier 1773 - 1853 - Andy Macqueen (Barrallier)

Branxton Catholic Cemetery

Branxton General Cemetery at Australian Cemeteries Index

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Bound manuscript indents, 1788 - 1842. State Records Authority of New South Wales, Kingswood, New South Wales, Australia (CI)

Brabazon's New South Wales Directory 1843, Sydney 1843 - H.L. Brabazon (Brabazon)Burial Register, Newcastle (BR)

Burial Register, Glebe Cemetery, East Maitland (St. Peter's)

Butterworths Court Records See Superior Courts of NSW

Cemetery Inscriptions in Sydney Branch Genealogical Library 1800 - 1960 (FamilySearch Historical Records)

Census of New South Wales. 1828 (Census)

Census Index 1841

Centenary History of the Presbyterian Church in New South Wales

Central Criminal Court - Minutes of Evidence - Church Missionary Society - Google Books

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Directory: Dublin Apothecaries 1791 1829

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Excursions in New South Wales, Western Australia, and Van Diemen's Land ...By William Henry BretonExtracts from the letters of James Backhouse: whilst engaged in a Religious Visit to Van Diemens Land, New South Wales and South Africa accompanied by George Washington Walker, London 1842, Volume 1 - James Backhouse

First Families 2001

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Glennridding Uniting Church Cemetery

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In the Service of the Company: letters of Sir Edward Parry, Commissioner to the Australian Agricultural company: volume 2, June 1832 - March 1834

Jerry's Plains Old Anglican Cemetery

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Landholders of Greater Cessnock 1821 - 1856 W.S. Parkes (Cessnock Landholders)

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Newcastle Anglican Cathedral Cemetery

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Newcastle - 1839 - 1861 Baptisms, Marriages and Burials Register Book of Christ ChurchNewcastle - [Cathedral]

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Newcastle - Marriages Register Book of Christchurch Cathedral, Newcastle 1856 - 1868

Newcastle - Marriages Register Book of Christchurch Cathedral, Newcastle 1869 - 1885

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Paterson (Houghton) burial register, 1839 - 1871

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The Annual Register 1830

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