Australian Slang - Local Lingo
Unique Phrases - Memorable Quotes - Y - Z
YA – You
YABBER - talk a lot
YABBY - (yabbie) small freshwater crayfish
YACKA - YAKKER - work; hard yacka. Jewish origin
YAHOO - show-off; fool
YANK TANK - American car
YARN - long story; talk
YARRALUMLA HOUSE - Located in Canberra - the official residence of the Governor-General of Australia
YENNEP - a penny c. 1911
YIKE - argument (1940)
YIKE - (getting into a ) dog-fight (RAAF)
YOBBO - uncouth, usually male
YONKS - very long time
YONNIE - stone or pebble for throwing
YOU AND ME - pee (rhyming slang - I'm going for a you and me)
YOU DON'T TELL THE FROGS ANYTHING BEFORE YOU DRAIN THE SWAMP - attributed to Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen, former Premier of Queensland
YOU LITTLE BEAUTY - approval when something has gone particularly well; attributed to Roy Rene (also known as 'Mo' of theatre partnership Stiffy and Mo)
YOU LITTLE TRIMMER - Someone who has done well for themselves. Attributed to Roy Rene (also known as 'Mo' of theatre partnership Stiffy and Mo)
YOUNG AUSTRALIAN LEAGUE - an Australian youth organisation which was formed in Perth, Western Australia in 1905 by Jack Simons and Lionel Boas. Developed as a means to encourage Australian nationalism and patriotic values
YOU'RE NOT ROBINSON CRUSOE - not the only one
YOU'RE TERRIBLE MURIEL - line from iconic Australian movie Muriel's Wedding starring Toni Collette, Rachael Griffiths and Gabbie Millgate
YOUR SHOUT - turn to buy a drink
YOUS – (youse) plural of you!
ZAC - sixpenceZIFF - a beard (1946)
ZILCH - nothing
ZIT - pimple
ZONKED - tired